Yashwant Palkar wrote:We are passing following XML structure as VARCHAR2 parameter to procedure.
We want to insert above XML structure in following tables .
Customer (CustomerID is a primary key)
Address (CustomerID references to Customer.CustomerID)
Does Oracle provide any facility which for this?
Gerbrand van Dieijen wrote:
Paul Campbell wrote:
Gerbrand van Dieijen wrote:
In any database, you don't actually delete a row, but you execute a DELETE FROM .. WHERE <where_predicate>, the <where_predicate> identifies the row, in case you want to delete a row.
Therefore, Oracle won't throw an exception when you delete a non-existing record/row in a table, it will just don't delete anything.
I'm sorry, but that isn't true. It can be caught.
Just to have the final word, I didn't you can't detect nothing is deleted - I just said with a DELETE FROM won't throw an exception. :-)
Using a stored procedure and plsql code is probably the most efficient solution - Hibernate should be able to handle stored procedures. Don't known about default JPA solutions.
Gerbrand van Dieijen wrote:
In any database, you don't actually delete a row, but you execute a DELETE FROM .. WHERE <where_predicate>, the <where_predicate> identifies the row, in case you want to delete a row.
Therefore, Oracle won't throw an exception when you delete a non-existing record/row in a table, it will just don't delete anything.
ben oliver wrote:Does Oracle 10g throw an exception when you try to delete a non-existing row ?
I tried in my application it does not cause any problem. But I am using java data mapping, so I don't know if the database itself would throw exception when it tries to delete a row but can't find the row ?
Jan Stefaniuk wrote:Ok, thanks, now it's more clearer. So it's the matter of compile/run time. But anyway, why such a thing is not solved during the compile time? I mean the compiler can see that in fact b1 refers to the Cat object.
Cheers, Jan
Raj Ohadi wrote:In oracle, if a field is clob, what's the oracle data type for this ? Is it called "LONG VARCHAR" or what ? Is it possible to define a column in a way that -- if the length is longer than a limit it will be clob; if it is less than that it is regular varchar ?
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Matt,
I can't say definitively, but I thought Oracle Text was for searching documents?
suresh sargar wrote:i want to find particular string from whole database where it is how many times present in database.
e.g i want to find string "xyz" in whole database
can anyone suggest me...?