timothy zimmerman

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Recent posts by timothy zimmerman

I really don't want to steer things off topic here but I just wanted to share my $0.02. Not all free IDEs 'became' free. And, not all free IDEs are unable to compete with Eclipse.

I have been using NetBeans for quite some time, it has always been free and I have found it competes with Eclipse quite aggressively.
Here is the method I used to solve a similar problem, if you add a listener to the field and call this method for each key event
protected void processComponentKeyEvent( KeyEvent event )
if( event.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED ) // must look for KEY_PRESSED as KEY_TYPED is consumed for editing keys
switch( event.getKeyCode() )
case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: // ignore keys that don't change (editor keys)
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
case KeyEvent.VK_HOME:
case KeyEvent.VK_END:
case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: // action only fired if valid
case KeyEvent.VK_ACCEPT:
if( !validateField() ) // you would supply the validateField method ... check the field length.. attmept to parse the value to an int return false if it fails
default: // all other keys will set myself dirty
dirty = true;
} super.processComponentKeyEvent( event );
20 years ago
One suggestion I don't see here is the Class-Path entry in the manifest file.
Have you tried setting your classpath there. Below is an example
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Ant 1.5
Main-Class: Main
Class-Path: castor-0.9.5.jar dom4j.jar c3p0.jar commons-collections.ja
r odmg.jar xerces.jar xalan.jar commons-logging.jar hibernate2.jar eh
cache.jar cglib2.jar db2jcc.jar db2jcc_license_cu.jar j2ee.jar Absolu
20 years ago
Again I think I have not gotten my ont across accurately. I understand XHTML and HTML. I do not intend to reinvent XHTML. What I would like to do is use the XHTML schema to generate java objects which represent HTML elements. Then I can marshall these objects to XML which would be actually be XHTML.
I have tweaked the XHTML schema enough to generate the HTML Java objects. So now I have runtime objects such as Html and Body which I can load with data ... but Iam not sure the marshall method is going to give me the pages I want.
20 years ago
Thanks for the input. I defintely think I want the output to be XML but I think maybe I didn't explain clearly enough ... or don't completely understand the answer.
The task is to generate HTML reports based on java objects. What I would like to do is pass the java object to some type of renderer which will know how and what to pull off of the object and build an HTML object. Not necessarily an HTML page or xml file but a java object that has members such as body whcih in turn might have member collections of other HTML 'element objects' such as <a href...
If I could define a XML Schema for these HTML objects using something like Casstor, I could then simply marshall the objects to an XML file and then process it using XSLT.
Does it make sense? Is this a crazy idea?
thanks again
20 years ago
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could go about modelling html as java object(s)? The problem is this: I have some objects which I would like to render as a set of html pages. I would like to pass the objects to a renderer that would then take information from the objects and build html pages linking from one page to another where appropriate.
My initial thought was to write some set of java objects to represent the various html elements with the ability to show themselves as html (ie toString()?). However, it seems like that may be a lot to hand code if I want to cover all (or most of) the elements supported by html.
My next thought was along the lines of the first but to use some xml schema/java generation tool (ie jaxb or castor?)
Any suggestions or help would be welcome. Also, is there anything like this out there already? I have tried a few searches and have not found anything.
20 years ago
Definitely having the error would help to solve the problem. Maybe include the version of ant which you are using as well.
I thought at first it was odd that you have an empty target as your default and do all of the work via depends, but a simple test shows that is not the issue.
20 years ago
Not sure I can add much more than what has already been said but here's my two cents.
I started with java using TextPad and a command window. Then began using bat files to perform my build. Then I moved to Visualcafe. I then switched back to TextPad and did my builds using ANT scripts. I am currently using NetBeans and building from within NetBeans using ANT.
The features I liked most when using the IDEs were code completion, debugging, and the ease with which I could build GUIs.
The features I liked least using IDEs were the overhead in learning to use the IDE as well as the understanding how to configure/control the internal environment.
You pretty much use MySQL in the same way with JSP as you would any java application. Could you be more specific?
I am wondering if you are asking what JDBC driver you should use with MySQL? If that is the case checkout mysql.com .
You can also get details about MySQL's official JDBC driver at
[ June 17, 2003: Message edited by: timothy zimmerman ]
I do not think that will even compile ... will it?
I tried and got illegal escape character compilation errors
FileNameTest.java [11:1] illegal escape character
String fileName = "04\:15\:44.txt";
But ulitmately I think the answer is that java doesn't really care about the filename. It is the OS that the file is to be written on that will impose the limits.
So, if you know what OS you will be running on be sure not to use the file separator. You could use System.getProperty to get the file separator value and then check to make sure is is not in your filename.
21 years ago
Thank you Eric and Steve for taking time to answer questions this week. I look forward to reading the book and using what I learn. And thanks to JavaRanch for providing the forum. I learn something new every time.
22 years ago
I don't think anyone is forced to use Ant but most all of the Jakarta projects do include Ant scripts in order to build them/examples etc. You could of course choose to build these any way you want.
Platform independence is nice but not the be all end all. It is nice though to know that you can take work you hve already done and move it to a new environment with minimal disruption.
Ant is pretty easy to learn and is quickly becoming a prominent build tool in the java community. It is at least worth consideration.
.. and it looks like you have already come to some decisions while I was typing the above
[ August 09, 2002: Message edited by: timothy zimmerman ]
That is the way I have accopmlished similar goals in the past. It looks very much like the examples provided for using the condition task.
Is there any way to check the value of a property rather than just checking that is has a value? That might make things a bit more graceful?
22 years ago
That is the unix mkdir command? I believe Ant's mkdir task behaves like mkdir -p by default.
22 years ago
Ant is a java based build tool, kind of like Make or GnuMake, iMake etc. The difference is that instead of shell scripts the build process is 'scripted' in xml files which are then processed by ant.
These xml files call out to java classes to perform the specified function. Being java based makes your build platform independent and you can also write your own tasks to supplement or extend those provided by Ant.
For mor info check out:

I am not very familiar with Velocity but I believe it is a template engine which allows for easier development of web pages. I believe it allows the web designers to make the pages more dynamic by including calls to java code without really having to deal with the code. You can find more aobut it at: