Ali Yuruz

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since Oct 10, 2007
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Recent posts by Ali Yuruz


Are there any EJB migration tools available for migrating EJB 2.1 to 3.1.

How will be the code for my case??

13 years ago
At first I must say, Everything works in Eclipse.

I generate a jar file with Ant. When I start the program i doesn't find the images.

I do it like:
In eclipse there are two folders. One is src (for java files). The other is images(for images).
I put the classes and images in jar file with the following structure

The code to read images is like:

13 years ago
Here is my JSF page. I try to send current HyperlinkBean Object to HyperlinkVerwalterObject.
It will be saved in that class. The class has a method which accepts HyperlinkBean as a parameter.

How is it possible? I didn't find any way to solve it..

Method in HyperlinkVerwalter:

JSF Page :
13 years ago
I have actually a simple class.
I got the following report. The first part is ok.
But i don't understand the second part.?
What is that --> InvalidNumberException$__CLR3_0_11l1lggtifx3b???

14 years ago
What means that?
Have you got the tutorial?
My jnlp part looks like that:
<j2se version="1.5+"/>
<jar href="client.jar"/>
<jar href="log4j-1.2.15.jar"/>
Here, log4j is the library that i want to add to my classpath.
Client.jar ist the main jar which holds the business logic.
15 years ago
I use Log4J as Logsystem. Wenn I start jnlp, i get the error:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Layout
at client.Start$2.propertyChange(

- Do I need to insert the jar in WEB-XML?
- or should I pack in the jar.
Can anybody help??
15 years ago

I am new to LifeRay. I try to configure mein Mail server..
My mail server is in a different machine. and it has an SMTP an IMAP access.

How can I configure my LifeRay, so that it knows where the mail server is..

2.Have you got tutorials for LifeRay..

Every info helps me..

17 years ago