Chris Paulraj

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since Oct 14, 2007
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Venkat, Most of J2EE appservers support SPNEGO feature, which would pass you the client's logon credentials to J2EE application. You should be able to find the necessary configuration document, specific to your appserver.

Good Luck
Chris Paulraj
15 years ago
Sumanta, It looks like a logic issue, cmp should always be zero for every POST, so I don't see any reason on why it's added cumulatively? it should work, if you reinitialize cmp=0 after adding to totalcmp!

int cmp_temp=Integer.parseInt((String)inVec.elementAt(3));

Integer totalcmp=(Integer)session.getAttribute("cmpValue");
totalcmpdata= totalcmp.intValue()+cmp;
--> Add the below line
16 years ago
Sumantha, What is the scope of the variable "cmp"? Where is it being declared?

int cmp_temp=Integer.parseInt((String)inVec.elementAt(3));
16 years ago
Jay, What's your connection property values? It could be due to connection leak or hung thread conditions.If you could obtain a thread dump; you will be able to see why those connections are used up?

Chris Paulraj
16 years ago
If you don't want to change code, the less intrusive way would be to either set it in deployment descriptor of your EAR file or you can add custom datasource properties to your JDBC resources on the app server.

Chris Paulraj
16 years ago
Glenn, You are almost there, since Websphere is using self signed certificate for SSL connections, the client is not trusting it. You would have to download the key.pk12 from dmgr/config/cells/YOURCELLNAME into your DummyServerTrustFile.jks.

Chris Paulraj
17 years ago
Ajay, When security is enabled,you would have to connect using SSL. Add these lines before connecting, and have the server certificate imported into your client TrustFile.

connectProps.setProperty("", ".\\properties\\DummyServerTrustFile.jks");
connectProps.setProperty("", ".\\properties\\DummyServerKeyFile.jks");
connectProps.setProperty("", "WebAS");
connectProps.setProperty("", "WebAS");

good luck
[ October 14, 2007: Message edited by: Chris Paulraj ]
17 years ago