i am trying to configure the JMS module in Jboss to use mySQL as its data store. Below are the files which i have updated, however i am getting namenot found JNDI related exception... please let me know if i am missing any steps . thanks for your help....
* Created mySql datasource as 'mySqlDS'
* Deleted default\deploy\jms\hsqldb-jdbc-state-service.xml & default\deploy\jms\hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml and added mysql version of the files by changing the datasource as 'mySqlDS'.
* updated login-config.xml with new mySQL DS under the section name <application-policy name = "jbossmq">, which uses the defaultDS.
When i tried to restarted, it was throwing exception as below... i think there some objects which is not bounded, is there any steps missing?... please let me know.