al nik

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Recent posts by al nik

Thanks for your response.
Yes it should be a configuration issue.
Actually I don't know what I was thinking about when I placed that question...
The thing is that I remembered that once I had some client side problems with JSF EL and jQuery like mixed $# etc. I don't remember exactly what kind of issue..
The EL inside a JSTL is correctly evaluated, but something like ${param.buu} is not at it's printed out as plain text. As you said it should be a config issue, anyway I've never encountered it before.
sorry again for the 'odd' quest

15 years ago
Hi all,

I'm having problem in using EL like ${param.key} in my page. These are not evaluated.
I think it's because it goes in conflict with jQuery.
How can I solve this?
I tried with this but my EL are still not evaluated

15 years ago

Marcos Serrano wrote:Congrats !! time to celebrate

What's next ?

what's next? I don't know..
Maybe Web Services 5 or Enterprise Architect EE5 Step 1
Any suggestion?
15 years ago
Hi guys,

this was my study path
no previous experience with ejb
studied 2/3 months - 1/2h day

Ejb3 in action - read 3-4 times
Mikalai Zaikin's SCBCD 5.0 Guide - read 2-3 times
Enthuware 5 exams - I scored between 60% - 69%

the real exam is much easier then the Enthuware simulator, questions are not tricky and there's never a 'none of these' option.
Some question are very very similar to those you can find in the enthuware simulator because are directly taken from the spec.


15 years ago
Hi guys,
I'm curious to know what was your score in the enthuware simulator before the exam and your final mark on the real exam..
I just want to compare yours with my current results with this software.
Thanks a lot ;)
I don't know, I don't see any pattern here. An entity it's a concrete class with config code inside.
In large applications I've always encountered xml mapping files. I am looking at annotated entities only for small projects and with domain code that you want to keep at home.
Can you figure out some pattern here to be able to safely use annotation in entities without have to expose them outside their scope?
try to set the department returned from saveDepartment (it should return the obj you get when persist() is called).. the instance you have doesn't hold the persisted id (I suppose hibernate is autogenerating this for you). something like this?
Hi all,

what about sharing the annotated entities outside the business tier? If I want to use my entity as a DTO but I don't want to share all my DB mapping config... my only way is to use XML? I'm imaging a situation where I have a domain project that is used by others like webapp proj. or standalone proj.

Hi Santhosh Kumar, thanks for your reply
I don't have the control over the server. It seems that the prob is given by a redirect call that sets some cookies.
After my request the server returns a redirect to another page an in the http response headers there is a cookie that sets the ASP_sessionID and then redirect to another page.
I think that the client.executeMethod(httpPostMethod); method call the redirect automatically without send the cookies back to the server.
Hi all
I'm using HttpClient to create a post request. I send this req to a website but the reply isn't as expected.
My request needs to be formatted like this simple request:

This is the req generated by Internet Explorer and I need to replicate it programmatically with HttpClient.
I'm using something like

but the response from the server is not ok. The page returned from the server is an error page, it seems that maybe something is missing in the Post headers.
Printing the requestEntity request gives me the post request body and this is ok!
So maybe it's only a header problem.
I know that the 2 important headers are Content-Type and Content-Length, I have check them and they are ok.
The Content-Length is correctly set directly by the httpPostMethod.setRequestBody(parameters); and it returns the correct int body size value.
So I'm trying to set something like

but the reply is always the error page.
Someone knows how to configure a correct Post request with HttpClient based on these param?
[ July 05, 2008: Message edited by: al nik ]
I'm going to call them asap
did someone have a problem like mine in the past?
thanks for your reply

[ March 23, 2008: Message edited by: al nik ]
[ March 23, 2008: Message edited by: Christophe Verre ]
Hi, I did the exam WCD5.0 on 29 Feb, but I still can't see it in CertManager.
Prometric also says "Exam Status No Show".
How long does it take to become 'passed'?
FYI this is Guinness beer! see you on Dublin for a drink