Lave Kulshreshtha

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since Oct 21, 2007
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Recent posts by Lave Kulshreshtha

Thanks expert, will it be worth to read old version of SCEA and covering various topics from various books.

Also which book of SCEA will be good to purchase on, I am not sure if they are selling SCEA5.

Please could you advise SCEA 5 book. I want to purchase a book but could not find one at store at Delhi, India.
Is there any soft copy available on internet for purchase?

Thanks Ramko,
I will do bit reading before I take a decision.

Personally I am very much inclined towards enterpirse solutions, I am not an enterpirse architect right now but I think I would love to be.

What I am trying to understand is, does SCEA and togaf leads to different career path? If no how they are used together?

I have around 9+ years of experiance. I have been involved in programing and design. I last 1.5 years, I have also closely seen the hetergenous applications working toghther.

Now I am trying to understand which shuld I go for SCEA or togaf/Zachman?

What is your view? I totally understand it depends on kind of work I have done but I want to understand what kind of experts chooses togaf/Zacman and when does people go for togaf?

Is it really exceptional to have both togaf and SCEA?

Thanks Adnrew, for writing in detail.

I am in industry since last 9 years and for around 7+ years I have been involved in programing, designing. I written programs based on core java, web components, EJB's and UML.

Based on my experiance I wanted to understand how much approximate it may take to clear the SCEA.

Congrats, Anil.
Which you refered to? Yesterday I went to books shop but no SCEA book was available.

14 years ago
Thanks for links.
There so many books mentioned, is it so that I have to go through each of these.

My inetention of asking question is that, I am already SCJp, SCWCD and SCBCD certified. Do I have to still go through every thing?

Hello Experts,
I am planning to take up the SCEA certification in couple of next months. I have already taken SCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 and SCBCD 1.3.

Before I start I want to understand following.

What are the books needed for preperation of SCEA-1,2,and 3.
What kind of practice questions available?
How much is total time required for each of these certifications.

Thanks in advance
Thanks for answer.

Please can you advise, how to make a website in Hindi. I mean what kind of programming/technology feature is involved in that.

15 years ago
Please could you advise, if it is possible to make a website in Hindi.

15 years ago
What are Vertical and Horizontal synchronization in activity flow diagram.

Is your application complete?

Which books is best to read and understand the web services security? Does it also requires Security concepts like digital signatures, public key, private key etc.?

Lave Kulshreshtha