jan dressen

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since Oct 25, 2007
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I am trying to stream an MP3-file with the following code

for some reason every time I call prepare I get the following IOException: java.io.IOException: Prepare failed.: status=0x1
I tested the link directly in a browsr and it works.
I also added the Internet permission in the manifest.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

thanks for the help
13 years ago
Apache Tomcat (or Jakarta Tomcat or simply Tomcat) is an open source servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Oracle Corporation, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run.(source: wikipedia)

Tomcat Wikipedia
Tomcat home page
13 years ago

I have a strange problem when deploying my SOAP webservice built using AXIS2

When deploying I get 8 out of 10 time the following message when I navigate to my WSDL:

But the strange thing is that 2 out of 10 times I does find the WSDL file, therefore I think that my settings are correct, It's just strange that is sometimes works and sometimes not...

Anyone got an idea what might be wrong here?

thank you for the help
13 years ago

Mark Spritzler wrote:Can you, in code figure out the class implementation to instantiate?

I have done heirarchies like that in PropertyEditors and I am sure I can do that in a Converter class too.

How do you determine what type of implementation to instantiate?


can you point me in the right direction on how to do this in a custom editor?

I think I cannot figure out what type to instantiate because the BeanWrapperImpl only gives me the sourceType and TargetType, which it retrieved trough reflection and only from the signature of the property(the interface) not the actual implementation. If somehow the BeanWrapperImpl gave me the OldValue(which does contain the actual type) then I can get the value I should bind to. But for some reason the oldValue is always null...
13 years ago
I have a use case where I need to bind a text field of a webpage to a bean which is declared as an interface type but instantiated as some Class which offcourse implements this interface.
when Spring tries to find a converter to convert the String(from the webpage) to the actual type to which it should bind it only checks how this bean is declared, not how it is instantiated. and I do not have a converter to convert the String to this interface.

Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? Maybe something with a Custom Editor?
13 years ago
I am trying out an example of Spring web flow. I have a form in an HTML page that contains a button with type="submit". But I have a feeling that when i press that button no request is triggered to the server and I wonder if the problem is caused by my Spring configuration or just a plain HTML problem? can anyone help? the html code is pasted below.

13 years ago
is there any added value in spring books compared to the online documentation? the online doc is over 800 pages, suppose I read them all. do I know less, equal or more then in a spring book?
13 years ago
sounds like you trying to build a really annoying spam-banner

but since you can call plain java code in JavaFX, maybe you can use JMF?

14 years ago
hello all,

I have a problem with dynamically adding images to a flowlayout(or maybe to a scene in general). I have the following piece of code(see below) to dynamically add images to a flowlayout. this works sometimes, but sometimes the image doesn't show up until i resize my application window. does anyone know what causes this effect and how to solve it?
14 years ago
does anyone know an API that generates powerpoint 2007 files from java? I know about apache POI, but that only generates powerpoint 97-2003 files

thank you for the help
14 years ago
it's empty...
14 years ago
can anyone help me fixing a problem I am having with ANT and PMD?

this is my pmd ant target

but nothing is generated when i run this target, thisis in the output


Total time: 39 seconds
14 years ago

Shannon McGee wrote:Hi Jan,

A mapping really repends on your DB. What are you mapping it to?


I use a postgresql DB. the DB hasn't been designed yet. I was just wondering what the easiest/best way is to map this sorts of objects...

thanks for the help

there was nobody on the official Hibernate forum that could help me, so hopefully someone here is...

can anyone help me how I can map this in hibernate?

thanks alot for the help

Suppose I have class Parent and a class Child

First I retrieve a Parent from the database with all its children.
I close my session, so now I have 1 Parent with all its children as detached objects.

I now start a second session and only retrieve 1 child. But that child's parent is the same parent I retrived from the first session. So that child is also in the list of children I got from my first DB transaction.

But the problem is: they are both different java instances. So if I change the parent object I got from the first transaction, or I change the child from the second transaction, then I have 2 objects that represent the same row in DB but with different values.

Is there a way to solve/manage these kind of things?

thank you