Varalakshmi Ramanarayan

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since Oct 28, 2007
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Recent posts by Varalakshmi Ramanarayan


You are right. That was the problem.
I should have looked at the code more carefully.
thanks again for your help.

16 years ago
thanks,i'll learn more about MVC and try to implement it.

16 years ago

I have one more problem now . After generating and populating the XML, from other part of my program I need to read the text in each element node.
and i tried using the below code

But on the line marked 'here' I am getting a nullPointer exception (the ele1 is null). For this method I am passing (Document doc,Element root) as the parameters. I am not able to figure out why ele1 is not getting a value.
I am using this code to generete the XML

A sample of my XML document is below.

PLease help me to solve this problem.

16 years ago
Thanks for your reply Paul

16 years ago

Is it possible to insert an 'int' instead of a 'String' into the element node of the XML Document?
I am using the following code to insert text into the node. Currently I am coverting int into String using valueOf(..) and while reading back i'll have to convert String back to int. if possible I want to avoid this conversions. My code is below.

Please give me your feedback about this.
[ March 22, 2008: Message edited by: Varalakshmi Ramanarayan ]
16 years ago

Is it something like
- have a class (say CommunicationLayer)
- this class should have variables which can hold the user inputs
- then call a method on bussiness layer sending CommunicationLayer object

Please calrify
16 years ago

Basically I am trying to learn how a multi-tier architecture work, so I took up this project. Though, mine is a desktop app as of now, sometime in future if I want to make it a web app, it should not cause much problem.
So I am looking for all possible ways to pass the data to logic layer.
Please give your comments on this.

16 years ago

This is exaclty what I was looking for.
Thanks very much for your help.

16 years ago
The Bussiness layer lives in the desktop application
Mine is a simple Desktop application.
please help me regarding this.
16 years ago

When you design a swing for UI, how do you usually pass the data what user has entered to the bussiness logic layer?
Can serialization or XML be used for the purpose? If Yes, how?
hoping for the answer,
16 years ago
Hi all,

How can I genrate a XML document using Java? What are the imports that I have to use? Also, Please let me know JAXP is helpful in this.
Please Help me with a few examples..

Thanks in advance
16 years ago
Thanks for the link. I will go through it..

Basically, I am just trynig to learn how a multi tier application works and how that is implimented. Mine is a very simple application (not a web app) which has swing UI, the user inputs few data in it( 5-6 including textbox, combobox and checkbox). And I need to send that data to Logic layer.
Initially i had put everything in one class(logic and UI code) and now I want to seperate them out.

I am also thinking of using serialization. Is that a good approach?
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for your reply and for correcting me.
Can you please let me know what is the approach for my problem? As I am new I have no clue.

Thanks in advance
Hi all,

I am trying to bulid a multi tier application which has Swing UI as the presentation layer and a Bussiness Logic layer(I am totally new to n-tier applications). Now I need to transfer data from persentstion layer to logic layer. I know it can be done using XML, but do not know how. I tried searching for it in google, unfortunately didnt get any help there.
Can someone please tell me how I should go about it? or is there any good tutorial avlilable online to learn this?
Please help me in this regard.

Thanks in advance.