Arjun Reddy

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since Nov 10, 2007
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Recent posts by Arjun Reddy

Hi All,

I am getting OutOfMemoryError using XStream while converting Java to XML and writing to a file. Its happening at xstream.toXMl operation. I am able to write around 200 MB to the file with warnings in console saying that 700 mb heap used etc.. but after that, I get the error and the processing stops.

I am using XStream version 1.4.7 and Java 1.7.

Below is the code:

I tried doing the below to get rid of the error but did not work.

1).I tried adding XPP3 (from org.ogce) 1.1.6 and XMLPULL (from xmlpull) maven dependencies
2). Did
3). Changed xms and xmx in eclipse.ini to 1024m. Here's what my eclipse.ini looks like

4). Tried to use ObjectStream as you can see in the code above commented
5). Added run time arguments
6). Added run time argument

Please advise..
I am getting the below error talking to a https web service.

I am using spring's WebServiceTemplate and below's my xml configuration for it

I am able to hit the service from soapui but not from the sample java code I wrote. Should we have received some security certificates from the 3'rd party wsdl folks? I tried getting the server's certificate (Following this article -…) and adding it to my jdk trust store but I am getting the below error now - Precondition Failed [412]

Could some one please point me to why this is happening and how I can resolve this?

11 years ago
I got help and fix the error. I have updated the below 3 files with changes and I see Employee table being created but not the Flight Benefit table. Could someone take a look?



Hi All,

I am trying to test one to many mapping by creating tables from domain objects but I see the error mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property. Could some one take a look please?




Error StackTrace
Hi All,

I am running a spring mvc project and when I try to access the web url, I am getting the below error. Anybody seen this before?


12 years ago
Ok..I found the class in spring-orm.jar. But have another question now. Looks like the below property is deprecated in hibernate 4's LocalSessionFactoryBean class

Currently I have my disopatcher servlet-xml as below and I am getting the error:

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/MyServlet-servlet.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDatabaseMetaData.supportsGetGeneratedKeys()Z

Any thoughts?
Hi All,

I am using Hibernate 4 and Spring 3.2. I am unable to find a jar which would find me org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.LocalSessionFactoryBean. Does anyone know if that class is supported with spring 3 and hibernate 4? If not, is there an alternative to it? Please advice


What is the best way to do it and why?


Is there any such diagram? I have to basically show that I am using jQuery, CSS3, Json, SpringMVC on the FE, Hibernate on the backend etc

Thank you.. apparently.. they have decided that they do not want to put the user through the hassle of login (Since its a small application and user will be able to only view the data but not change any of it) but still want to implement security. IP based is the only thing I can think of. Do you guys have any other suggestions?
12 years ago
Hi All,

We want certain department in the company alone to access the application we are building. We are not providing any login functionality and one thing we thought about was by recognizing the IP address. Could you guys advice if this is the right approach or if there are any other approaches?

12 years ago