I am still thoroughly confused, for the following reasons:
The printlns in your code do not match the output you gave
Even though you mentioned that the algorithms are supposed to sort something, it looks to me like they are for searching through arrays using different methods, not sorting them
Also you have no main method, and your methods do not call each other, so I do not even know which method you are asking about, as they do different things
40 the position of the match is 16
this line in particular, what does it mean? When searching for 40 it returns that the position is 16? Vice versa? something else entirely?
In the method interpolationSrch() (which I think is the one you are asking about), what do v, s, and e mean? value, start, end? those one letter parameters are killing me. If so I still need to know what you originally call it with to be much more helpful.
I am not trying to sound harsh, I am just very confused, if you could clarify any of the above points, I am sure we could be a lot more helpful in answering your questions