Jose Huizar

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since Nov 21, 2007
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Recent posts by Jose Huizar

I've just received my results today . I scored 71%. Barely passed. Congrats to all who passed the exam.
take a look at the rich faces project. There are components that could help you to do that like the <a4j:poll /> tag.
16 years ago
Could you please post some code so we can get a better idea of the problem?
16 years ago
Hi to everyone out there in the ranch!

I really need your help. We've been developing an application using JSF(Myfaces) and RichFaces. The project is also built with maven. Sadly, the development process is being very slow due to the time that the deployment process is taking. We're developing using Eclipse and MyEclipse. The application server is Weblogic 10. Right now we're deploying the application as an EAR exploded and the WAR with the web application is also exploded into it. The output folder for eclipse is pointed to the classes folder of the WEB-INF of the web application. Whenever we change a xhtml file, this is copied by myeclipse to the exploded war and weblogic reloads it succesfully. The sad part is that when we change a java file, the .class is copied by myeclipse to the exploded war but weblogic notice then change and tries to reload the application with no success and throws the following exception

Is there any configuration for Weblogic 10 to allow hot code replacement??

In tomcat 6 we're able to do this the same way. Thanks in advance for your help.
16 years ago
I've been checking my mail every second untill I decided to look in the forum to know if someone had received results. Now I see we'll have to waint until the 29th, I can't wait to know the results of the exam.

good luck to everyone
I think design patterns are still useful in J2EE 5, it's a good idea to hide the details of looking up an object maybe you'd like to switch the look up mechanism for your app from ejb dependency injection to one based in spring.

Also, keeping DTOs in your design may help decouple your domain model from the way they're presented in the UI tier.
Hi All!

I've just sent my assignment today and I did received a confirmation email.

Good luck to everyone!!
Dear Jose A Huizar Moreno,

Congratulations! You passed the SCEA Part 1 Beta exam. Passing score is 57%, your score is 67%. We will be sending a separate email containing your Part 2 assignment (which is a PDF file), complete with instructions, within the next 8 hours. If you do not receive the second email containing the assignment within the next 8 hours, please notify us at [email protected]. Thank you.


[email protected]

Congrats to all!!