Sandip Sarkar

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since Nov 25, 2007
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Recent posts by Sandip Sarkar

Hi All,

I am not sure if this is the right place for this. I hope if its not, it would be moved to its appropriate place.

I am digging in to the "data Structures and Algorithms in java by Adam Drozdek"....and i am at a loss as to where i can get the solutions for the programming assignments.
If anyone can help me in this regard, please do let me know.

Thank You.
14 years ago
Hi Pankaj,

The classes for EJB Timer Bean(TimedObject.class) are missing in their J2EE-Jar for Weblogic 8.1.

You can try by putting the TimedObject jar file in application classpath. But i am not sure if this works.


Hi pankaj,

You can listen for the response from the topic T1 in the onMessage method. You can use a Timer by implementing the TimedObject interface and can wait for a timeout of 2 mins in the same method.

If i don't get a response that is to say my onMessage doesn't gets called in 2 timer expires and i don't need to wait.

Hope this helps.


I suggest doing something similar to this:

All we need to display some option is to get the corresponding ID and set selected as true on that.


I changed your code as below:

I just tried making unique id's.
Now if you get the value of GTC (or anything else), simply append the "status" thing to the value and look up for the ID.
And then say selected as true on that as below:


I faced a similar issue and i developed a work around this.
I got a unique ID created for every option of my combo box and then i did something like the following:

Suppose your option id is GTKID having the option value of "GTK" , then i display it as :

Hope it helps.
Hi Karup,

I suggest using firefox and adding the plugin "Firebug". It shows the structure of the page and the manner in which javascript has been used.
IFrames does the trick. Still, try firebug plugin and view the structure.
I am sure you can proceed from there on.


Can you be a bit more specific about on-site environment they are using. Information like as to which browser and version they are using will be helpful.
Also it will be great if you can post your code.


I did some google on your issue and what i got to know is quite logical. The server has to send the data to the client and hence will be available in some readable format. You cannot do this through javascript.
As we know, javascript cannot access anything outside the web page. However there may be an ActiveX control that can do it for you. But still that too can be disabled.

Can you please put in your jboss.xml and ejb-jar.xml files?
How you look up does not have to change.
It is all in what you have put in these files.

Take a look at the following three cases.

First, the case where the overriding method throws same exceptions as the original one.
It compiles well.


Second, the case where the overriding method throws more exceptions than the original method. This doesnt compile. Check the message which compiler gives.
It says "fun() in B cannot override fun() in A; overridden method does not throw java.lang.Exception
public void fun() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,Exception{"


Lastly, the overriding method throws fewer exceptions than the original.
This also compiles fine.


Now do you have any other probable cases.
Well, thats what we say as that the overriding method can throw lesser or fewer exceptions but can never throw more.
The superclass has no knowledge of the newer exceptions which the sub class is going to throw. And the compiler complains.

Hope it helped.

Hi All,

With regard to Stateful session beans for EJB 2.0 , i coded a bean that will just print a number.

The main thing i tried to go for is to make the pool size as two in jboss . Then i go for creating four stateful session bean instances.Since only two beans are allowed and i am creating four hence the container has to passivate some and activate some. This is mainly the thing i am trying to check out.

For this i added the following to my jboss.xml:

Still am happily creating four instances and none are getting passivated.
I made the calls from four different threads so as to make them concurrent with no help.

Please suggest why the above jboss xml configurations are not making effect.
Does it have any other dependencies?

My Client code is as follows:

My Main Bean class is as follows:

My deployment descriptor and jboss xml are as follows:


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Head first is good for beginers...once you have the basics in place(if at all you are new to java environment) the next thing is to get started with Kathy Sierra book. It hass all that you need for getting through the exam. Finally you can have a walk through the examples and question provided in khalid mughal.
Wizlabs is a good one. There are others also. But atleast going through a simulator is a must if att all you want to be on the safer side and want to give your preparation a look.


The compiler doesnt make sure if the condition is true or not. Its for the JVM to decide. JAVAC is only for checks and what is possible and not.

In JAVA we have final references and not final objects. Hence you can change the value of the variable "x" but you cannot make the final fiz1 object refernce to point to any other object fiz2. Hence the compiler error. The reference fiz1 is final and can only point to the object it points. We cannot change the reference.

16 years ago