Max Vaha

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since Nov 27, 2007
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Recent posts by Max Vaha

I think, if JUL requires .properties in that situation, I'll use log4j instead of it.
Hmm, I didn't found good examples about sl4j.

If I have a method:

How can I log generated sql query to the file "sql.log"?
Hello Angel!
I am using 3.3.1 version. How can I plug JUL?
Hello, ranchers!
I want to turn on sql logging using

How can I use a logger from JUL instead of log4j in that situation?
Thanks in advance.
Hmm, thanks, but the same exception is thrown without these properties in persistence.xml. It is thrown even if there is no properties. Has anyone other idea's?
[ June 17, 2008: Message edited by: Max Vaha ]
I want to use hibernate as a JPA provider, so do I need hibernate.cfg.xml?
This is persistence.xml

Context.xml in tomcat

I checked connection using my IDE. It's ok.
Hello, ranchers!
I have the following method in a JSF bean

I have tried this code with MySql and Postgres, application server is Tomcat 6.14. This is the exception:

Has anyone any ideas about this?
[ June 09, 2008: Message edited by: Max Vaha ]
Hello, ranchers!
I tried to develop "Hello World" using IceFaces, but always get an error
"Servlet Persistent Faces Servlet is not available". Does anyone have a good link for "helloworld"?
Thanks for any help.
16 years ago
I have read EJB in Action, O'Reilly's book, Zaikin's guide (the most useful).
I used Whizlabs (failde, failed, pass(42), pass(44)) then Ethuware (all passed 62-66%).
There are some wrong questions in both simulators. Whizlab's difficulty is like real exeam, Ethuware is more difficult.
16 years ago
Thanks to all ranchers for help
16 years ago
Thanks a lot.
But I have only A1-A3 in my spec (from SCBCD links). Could you give me direct link for your spec?
Hello dear ranchers!
I have read O'Reilly book, and then started read specs. I've found @EmbeddableSuperClass annotation in paragraph.
Behaviour of this annotation is exactly like @MappedSuperClass, and I don't see @EmbeddableSuperClass in Java EE packages.
Could anyone explain this moment? Thanks.
I have faced another problem last week. I don't have a credit card to pay, so I have bought Whizlabs simulator using wire transfer. But I can't buy Ethuware this way!
If mr. Paul Anil could help, I'll be very happy.
[ May 04, 2008: Message edited by: Max Vaha ]
You said about GUI "Drag and Drop" questions. How many DND questions are in exam? I remember, that PC worked very slow when I answered this type of questions during SCWCD...