Paul Michael

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since Jul 02, 2001
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Recent posts by Paul Michael

Sahil Reddy wrote:Any other book that is out or resources from the Internet.

Do you know whether HEAD FIRST SERIES would release book on this topic or not.

Thanks and Regards

Sahil, it looks like a HF Android book is in the works...
13 years ago
Hi Bert!

Congratulations on your new book! I was wondering how this is different with the previous book you wrote with Kathy on SCJP 6.

Also, would you know if the Kindle versions of both books will be out eventually?

Thanks and all the best with your new book!

This is great! Thanks Jeanne and JavaRanch!
14 years ago

Jesper Young wrote:
The reason that Apple doesn't allow Java on the iPhone is because Apple wants to retain full control of the iPhone, and they fear that if they allow Java or any other virtual machine platform on it (such as Flash), they'll loose some control over the user experience on the iPhone.

This is well said and summarizes everything. Thanks.
14 years ago
Welcome Rory and all the best with your book!
14 years ago
Sorry if my earlier post seem offensive or nonsensical. The only point I'd like to drive is that at the moment, the only legal use of Java in the mobile space is through JME.
14 years ago
Yes, that's very unlikely from Mr. Jobs.
14 years ago
I agree. Even Google is currently in trouble for modifying Java for Android.
14 years ago
As far as I know only C/C++/Obj-C are allowed.
14 years ago
The 99 USD registration is only required when you are ready to deploy apps in the store (or if you need to deploy/test on your device). You don't need to enroll to develop apps. You can register (for free) to download the SDK. But to run the SDK and the Simulator (iPad/iPhone), you will need an Intel-based Mac which runs Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6).
14 years ago
Instead of trying to create as many programs as you can on the iPhone, why don't you focus on one to make sure you can polish the app to the highest level? That will be a more fulfilling endeavor than having several half-baked apps.

But I'm not sure whether that will give you a big plus on your Java/.Net interviews, since employers who are looking for Java/.Net developers will look for experience in those specific languages.

If landing a Java/.Net job is your primary concern, why not simply join open source projects in Java or .Net?
14 years ago
Unfortunately, iOS (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad) development is Apple-machine (intel-based) only.
14 years ago
Hi maha, unfortunately there's no other legal way of developing iPhone apps other than getting an Apple (intel-based) machine.
14 years ago
I also suggest you pay attention to Mark's advice as he has a few apps already in the App Store.
14 years ago
Hi Dmitri! Don't believe what Apple tells you about making money in the App Store. It's not as easy as it sounds. ;) I myself registered for the paid iPhone developer program last year and was not able to publish any single app. It's not enough to have a killer app idea, execution is the key. You're app must be able to stand out above the multitude of apps already deployed in the app store.

My suggestion is don't register for the paid program unless you are almost ready to deploy. Yes, it's hard to test using simulator only (not all functionality is supported) but you can register anytime you feel like you're ready.

But if you love programming and would love to join the iPhone dev to fuel your passion, then go ahead and fire away!

Initial costs:
MacBook or Mac Mini which runs Snow Leopard
Your time
iOS SDK (free from Apple site)

Optional costs:
iPhone Dev program enrollment (for deploying to device and publishing to store)
iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad for testing
14 years ago