Marcela Blei

Ranch Hand
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since Jun 28, 2000
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Recent posts by Marcela Blei

"Nirvana C",
your name is not valid as per the Javaranch name conventions. Please refer to the document located here
This post doesn�t belong to the threads forum, so I will move it to Servlets & JSP forum where you will have more help
23 years ago
Thanks! The links are great! IMHO and LOL are the only ones I remember, with the links I think it will be enought. Also I don�t remember if it was Carl or Frank that gave me a link to a javaranch page that has a dictonary with this terms.
Nate: They are playing in internet too. I don't know exactly where they use this acronyms, perhaps they come on the cards? They teach me to play a pit one day (about 3 hours), but I didn't continue with the lessons.

[This message has been edited by Marcela Blei (edited October 17, 2001).]
23 years ago
I don't find where I had an old explanation and dictionary about this acronyms, but I need it again.
Could someone tell me the link to the page where they are please?
It's for my nephews, they need them for playing with 'Magic' cards.
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
This post doesn�t belongs to the Threads forum, I'm moving it to Java in General (intermediate) where you will get more help.
23 years ago
This post doesn�t belongs to the Threads forum, I'm moving it to Java in General (intermediate) where you will get more help.
This post doesn�t belong to this forum, I'm moving it to I/O and Streams forum. You will get more help there. Good luck.
This post doesn�t belong to this forum, I'm moving it to I/O and Streams forum. You will get more help there. Good luck.
23 years ago
your name is not valid as per the Javaranch name conventions. Please refer to the document located here
This post doesn�t belong to this forum. I'm moving it to Java Utilities where you will be help.
your name is not valid as per the Javaranch name conventions. Please refer to the document located here
your name is not valid as per the Javaranch name conventions. Please refer to the document located here
your name is not valid as per the Javaranch name conventions. Please refer to the document located here
Also, your post doesn't belong to this forum so I will move it to: Java in general (intermediate) forum, look there, you'll find more answers to your doubt.
23 years ago
your name is not valid as per the Javaranch name conventions. Please refer to the document located here
Also, your post doesn't belong to this forum so I will move it to: Java in general (intermediate) forum, look there, you'll find more answers to your doubt.
your name is not valid as per the Javaranch name conventions. Please refer to the document located here