Chandran Madesh

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since Nov 30, 2007
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I have deployed a Webservice application on weblogic server 9.2. the webservice is WSDL first webservice and i use servicegen ant task to generate service classes.
The end point is exposed as https url. (for ex. but after when i refer the deployed WSDL the address is mentioned as http url as mentioned below.

<soap:address location=""/>

because of this when i use the browser test client to test service method i am getting the below error.

Failed to invoke service:

weblogic.webservice.wsdl.WSDLParseException: Failed to retrieve WSDL from Please check the URL and make sure that it is a valid XML file [ Response: '504: Gateway Time-out' for url: ''] at.

After deployment i am able to access the wsdl with https url ""

So my question is there a way to force the WSDL to generate with https url as mentione below

<soap:address location=""/>.

Please let me know your thoughts on this.

13 years ago
Dear All,

I have one bean class that consiist of setter and getter methods. Am setting the bean from one servlet class, and getting bean in another java class.
after set some value to bean component, that value is not available while i am calling coresponding getter method.

My doubt is after set the bean component is it necessary to pass that bean object through httpServletResponse to the class in which we are calling the bean getter method?

Kindly some body explain me...

I have completed my SCJP certification on March 25th. nearly one month gone, till now i didnt receive my original certificate from Sun.

Can anybody tell me, within how many days the certificate will be sent.

Really Great !!!

Hearty Congrads.
Thanks for your reply Joanne, actually i need to get a starting date of a week, if i get the date of month start say 1,2... whose week start date is last months date. In such a situation i am getting the perfect week start date but getting month of current month.... see the below code


import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
public class WeekStartDate{
public static void main(String[] args){
String sFirstDayOfWeek = "";
Date sDateString = null;
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);

case 0: sFirstDayOfWeek += "JANUARY ";break;
case 1: sFirstDayOfWeek += "FEBRUARY ";break;
case 2: sFirstDayOfWeek += "MARCH ";break;
case 3: sFirstDayOfWeek += "APRIL ";break;
case 4: sFirstDayOfWeek += "MAY ";break;
case 5: sFirstDayOfWeek += "JUNE ";break;
case 6: sFirstDayOfWeek += "JULY ";break;
case 7: sFirstDayOfWeek += "AUGUST ";break;
case 8: sFirstDayOfWeek += "SEPTEMBER ";break;
case 9: sFirstDayOfWeek += "OCTOBER ";break;
case 10: sFirstDayOfWeek += "NOVEMBER ";break;
case 11: sFirstDayOfWeek += "DECEMBER ";break;

int iDayOfWeek = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
//System.out.println("iDayOfWeek" +iDayOfWeek);

case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
default :
System.out.println("Invalid Date.");

sFirstDayOfWeek += calendar.get(Calendar.DATE)+", "+calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
System.out.println("sFirstDayOfWeek is" + sFirstDayOfWeek);


and the output am getting is "sFirstDayOfWeek isFEBRUARY 28, 2008" But actual output i need is "sFirstDayOfWeek isJanuary 28, 2008".
16 years ago
Hi i want to get the month of a particular date(in dynamic).
I ahve used the below code, but i am getting month of curent date...
Pl help me...

16 years ago
Hi Joshua Fix ,

can you please give your question little bit clear...

Hi, The output 7 is correct.

the operator priority is % , * ,+ in the above code.
Hi miria,

Ofcourse, The class with default acess is visible to all classes within the same package. so the default class can be subclassed(extend another class).

Here the class Test with defaul acess extends the class Test1.
output : This is Test1 class

Is this you are expecting...?
Thanks Collins, Kelvin.

Jesper, I have Changed My display name, still is there any concern, let me know. Thanks.
Hi nikunj,

You can follow the steps given in the below link .

Have a Great Day....
Hi priya,

These are the contact number of Sun Training and Certification Support Team(location : singapore), taken from sun site. you just make a call to them, immediately they will do favour to you.

Telephone Number 65) 6438-1888
Hot Line Number 65) 6216-8333
Fax Number 65) 6438-7646
E-mail Address : [email protected]
