Thomas Schroeder

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since Dec 01, 2007
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Recent posts by Thomas Schroeder


I can read in the DB "failed"

And now?
From a post in another thread I think there is the possibility to do part II/III again:

Here is reply that today I got from sun (Appreciate Sun for very fast answer!):

quote ear Dawid Augustynowicz,
Thank you for contacting Sun Certification Customer Support. We are happy to assist you.
We expect the SCEA 5 Beta exam results to be released by February 29, 2008. You will be notified via email of your successful certification.
If you do not pass, you will be notified via mail. You will then have the option of purchasing the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Assignment Resubmission) (CX-310-301R) if you would like to attempt the assignment again.
We appreciate your patience.
Please let us know if we may be of further assistance. Thank you for choosing Sun products and services.

And as far as I understand I will not get an email (but instead a mail).

Does someone know if we can now buy the Resubmission voucher?
Will we get a new assignment or should we "repair" our existing assignment?


Originally posted by Dawid Augustynowicz:
Here is my question that yesterday I sent to Sun and Prometric:

It seems that we need to pe patient few days more

Thanks for the info.

I will follow the PDF text and will create a JAR with name scea-AAAAAAAAA.jar AND I will follow the email text and will add the

Last Name:
Prometric Id Number:
Number of hours it took you to complete the assignment:

to the email (and maybe also to the index.html, just to be sure ;-)

That was close, did it with 59%
