Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
You don't need to download policytool. It comes with the JDK.
How are you running the applet - from a file:/// URL, from a local web server, using appletviewer, ...?
Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
Applets have a number of security restrictions. Norm mentioned the one about not being able to access the local file system. Another one is the inability to access hosts other than the one where the applet originated from. So a URL to java.sun.com is not allowed. You'll need to digitally sign the applet. See HowCanAnAppletReadFilesOnTheLocalFileSystem for more details.
Step 1 : WEB-Server Configuration - Enable J3D and JAI for your WEB-Server:
The procedure to enable the Java 3D and JAI frameworks within an Application (WEB) Server is (for Tomcat at least) quite simple and consists in ensuring that the 2 frameworks are installed in the JVM used by the Application Server