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since Dec 05, 2007
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Recent posts by Raj

Hi experts,
I have 2 option field with save and cancel button in one page.when i change 1st option field value it will change 2nd options fields value too.if there is no corresponding value in 2nd option field then save button will be disabled .
It is working fine for Mozilla Firefox / Netscape /MAC safari .but it is not working properly in windows internet explorer 6 and explorer 7.
Please help me to solve this.
many Thanks in advance.
All Expert,
I have one window with scroolbar.and with in that window i am showing all my users.So in that case the save and cancel button coming down.But I want my save and cancel button should visible to user always in right bottom corner with out scrooling the window.
Please help me regarding this.
With thanks in advance,
Hello Expert's
<html ption value="<%=departmentId%>"><%=departmentName%></html ption>
where departmentId is an int.

This code was compiling and running in Orion just fine, however, when trying to access
this page in JBoss, I get the following error:

An error occurred at line: 1,745 in the jsp file: /insurance/jsp/selectTenderType.jsp
| Generated servlet error:
| The method setValue(String) in the type OptionTag is not applicable for the arguments (int)
how to solve this problem.Please help me.Its Urgent.
17 years ago
Thanks Maril !

I solve this one by using javascript nchange();
17 years ago
Hello expert,
Thanks For Reply .I want this when user change option value(Java Script).
thanks rama.
17 years ago
Hello All experts,
Here is my code:

<html:select style="margin-left: 15px; width: 120px" property="type" >
<html ption value="<%="" + P.FieldType._FIELD_TEXT %>">Text</html ption>
<html ption value="<%="" + P.FieldType._FIELD_INTEGER%>">Number</html ption>
<html ption value="<%="" + P.FieldType._FIELD_FLOAT %>">Fraction</html ption>
<html ption value="<%="" + P.FieldType._FIELD_DATE %>">Date</html ption>
<html ption value="<%="" + P.FieldType._FIELD_TIME %>">Time</html ption>
<html ption value="<%="" + P.FieldType._FIELD_DATETIME%>">DateTime</html ption>
<html ption value="<%="" + P.FieldType._FIELD_CHECKBOX %>">CheckBox</html ption>
<html ption value="<%="" + P.FieldType._FIELD_POPUP >">Popup</html ption>
<td><html:checkbox property="mandatory" style="margin-left: 15px"/></td>
When i select CheckBox From Option value i want my checkBox Should be disabled else enable.
How to do this.Please help...
17 years ago
I have multi select list box in my jsp page populated by action form.where user can select multiple option value at a time.my question is.if user already select 3 item and through edit if he select any more item or if he diselect any item from selected list then he should get message.how to do this.

thanks in advance.
[ December 18, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Hello ,
Here Is my code:


I have edit user option and in that i can edit my password also and can set new password.So in save user i am using both setpassword();and setEncodedPassword();.
If user did not change password then it should be setencoded password but in my case it is not exixuting and always it will set new password for the same user when i edit.because resetpassword is always true.
please help me to resolve this issue.what wrong in my code please let me know.
thanks in advance.
17 years ago
Please Check your ActionForward.
17 years ago
Thanks again.
In my action class i want to put one condition so that it will store only selected value rather than all value.
my code
ArrayList<PS_Department> UsersDept = serverFunc.adminLib.GetDepartmentsByCurrentUser();
int[] selectedDepts = new int[UsersDept.size()];
int i = 0;
for (PS_Department dept : UsersDept) {
selectedDepts[i]= dept.getID();

see after for loop i got all the value and store in SelectedDepts[i].So here SelectedDepts[i]i want to store only those value which is selected.Please help.
17 years ago
ArrayList<PS_Department> UsersDept = serverFunc.adminLib.GetDepartmentsByCurrentUser();
int[] selectedDepts = new int[UsersDept.size()];
int i = 0;
for (PS_Department dept : UsersDept) {
selectedDepts[i]= dept.getID();

Return me all the value as a selected value.But i want only those value which is selected.
how to got?Please help.
17 years ago
Thanks for the reply.
Actually i am using MultiSelect List Box.And I got all the value as a selected in my jsp page.

here is my code.
ArrayList<PS_Department> UsersDept = serverFunc.adminLib.GetDepartmentsByCurrentUser();
int[] selectedDepts = new int[UsersDept.size()];
int i = 0;
for (PS_Department dept : UsersDept) {
selectedDepts[i]= dept.getID();
After ittrating i got all the value as a selected value in my jsp page.
is there any way to check only those selected value?
17 years ago
This is my code:

ArrayList<PS_Department> UsersDept = serverFunc.adminLib.GetDepartmentsByCurrentUser();
int[] selectedDepts = new int[UsersDept.size()];
int i = 0;
for (PS_Department dept : UsersDept) {
selectedDepts[i]= dept.getID();


here in(selectedDepts)i got all the department value As a selected value.but i want only those selected value which is selected by user.how can i got those selected value.
Please help....
17 years ago
This is my code:

ArrayList<PS_Department> UsersDept = serverFunc.adminLib.GetDepartmentsByCurrentUser();
int[] selectedDepts = new int[UsersDept.size()];
int i = 0;
for (PS_Department dept : UsersDept) {
selectedDepts[i]= dept.getID();


here in(selectedDepts)i got all the department value As a selected value.but i want only those selected value which is selected by user.how can i got those selected value.
Please help....
17 years ago
This is my code:

ArrayList<PS_Department> UsersDept = serverFunc.adminLib.GetDepartmentsByCurrentUser();
int[] selectedDepts = new int[UsersDept.size()];
int i = 0;
for (PS_Department dept : UsersDept) {
selectedDepts[i]= dept.getID();

here i got all the department value As a selected value.but i want only those selected value which is selected by user.how can i got those selected value.
Please help....
17 years ago