Thirugnanam Saravanan

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since Dec 13, 2007
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Recent posts by Thirugnanam Saravanan

Hi All,

I am very new to Jasper Reports and iReports. In my application there is a query similar to the below in the jrxml file:

I can understand that USER_ID_Q,CUSTOMER_Q,PREF_DESC_Q, PREF_GROUP_DESC_Q and FETCH are parameters. But I dont understand how to pass values to this query in runtime when i preview this report in iReport. When I gave some random values for this parameters during preview. I am really confused with the ! (exclamation mark) in the parameter syntax. can some one explain this with a simple example?
Hi All,

When we store the password in Portal server's credential vault, will it be possible to retrieve the clear text password back from the credential object? Right now I am getting the password in some encoded format. Any ideas ???
15 years ago

I am storing the User ID and Password from my Portal page to the Credential Vault. While retreiving back the password from credential vault, I am getting it in some encrypted/encoded format. For example if i send the value "ew12345" as password I am getting back "[C@46effee5" from the credential vault.

I want to know how to get the original password or how to decode this password to my original password that I initially stored in credential vault:

I am using the following code to set the password to credential vault:

I am using the following code to retrieve the password back from credential vault:

Kindly let me know how to get the original password / password in decoded format from credential vault. Its very urgent.....

Saravanan T
15 years ago
In SQL*Plus editor, if i exit the editor even without commiting the changes, the transaction is getting commited. My autocommit property is set to off.
I searched the Oracle documentation and came to know that Oracle SQL*plus commits the pending transactions whenever the database session expires or closed.
Is there any way to prevent the transaction getting commited automatically when exiting the SQL*plus editor? Is there any setting where I can specify that during exit of the editor, it should rollback the transaction? I need this because I dont want to commit the transaction during accidental exit of the editor.

Note: In SQL Developer, when I set autocommit off, the transactions are not commited automatically, even during the exit of the session. Is that not possible in SQL*Plus editor?
15 years ago
Congrats. Thats really nice score for an engineering student
16 years ago
Hi All,

Yesterday(January 12 2009) , i have taken SCWCD 5 exam and cleared the exam with 100%.

Thanks for all your help in clearing my doubts.

16 years ago

The date mentioned in the voucher is in mm/dd/yyyy format. if the date is 04/02/2009, then it is April 02 2009.

Is it possible to add elements to a List using [] operator of EL? If so please clarify how.
Thanks for pointing to errata link. Now I cleared other doubts also.
The Second one is valid only if your server/container supports JRE 5 or above.
Autoboxing will happen in that case.
Hi All

I found this question( please refer the attached image) in Head First book.

The answer given in the book is D. But according to my knowledge, the answer is B.

Kindly validate and reply whether my point is correct.
Your tag file ( header.tag) should be inside
META-INF/tags directory or any subdirectory within this directory.
This META-INF directory should be inside your WEB-INF/lib directory.

The <path> in <tag-file> should point from META-INF directory.
(ex - /META-INF/tags/Header.tag).

Try it and let us know once if your problem got resolved.
The problem is resolved now. Thanks for your replies.

I was using Tomcat 5.5 integrated with Eclipse IDE. The problem is resolved when I added JSTL related jar files(jstl.jar and standard.jar) in WEB-INF/lib . Previously I included them only in the Java Build path --> Add External Jars ( As I will do for other Jars ).
[ December 15, 2008: Message edited by: Thirugnanam Saravanan ]
In Head First Servlets Book (Second Edition), In Page No. 440, the steps to install JSTL 1.1 is mentioned. I followed those steps , but not able to work with JSTL.

I have included the following taglib directive in my JSP Page.

When I access the JSP, I am getting the following Error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application

My question here is:

For Using JSTL, In addition to adding JSTL related jar files in WEB-INF/lib, do we need use any tld file and do we need to put an entry for that in web.xml?