Praveenaa seth

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since Dec 17, 2007
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Recent posts by Praveenaa seth

I would suggest SAP EP would be the best course for 2-3 java experienced people having SCJP and SCWCD, for learning EP course ABAP would be the basics. So I would suggest you to go and enroll for Siemens online course and do the ABAP Certification (though it is expensive it is worth doing the SAP course in Siemens) and the good news about doing course in Siemens is that they do provide 100% placements.

People who have done course in Siemens would be the better person to suggest the quality of education Siemens provide.

Other rancher�s views are also welcomed
16 years ago
I would suggest SAP EP would be the best course for 2-3 java experienced people having SCJP and SCWCD, for learning EP course ABAP would be the basics. So I would suggest you to go and enroll for Siemens online course and do the ABAP Certification (though it is expensive it is worth doing the SAP course in Siemens) and the good news about doing course in Siemens is that they do provide 100% placements.

People who have done course in Siemens would be the better person to suggest the quality of education Siemens provide.

Other rancher�s views are also welcomed
16 years ago