sampath kumar

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since Jul 04, 2001
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Recent posts by sampath kumar

Hi Jonathan,
Can you tell me what are all the areas to be concentrated in the
IBM Test 406 ?If you followed any books please tell me other than IBM materials in PDF.Whether IBM Pre-Assessment is enough for clearing the exam?

23 years ago
Congratulations !!!
23 years ago

Originally posted by Huiming Gu:
I passed test with good score recently.
My recommendation for prepareing this test is that:
1. Pass Jave 2 Programmer(SUN) test.
2. Read and really understand the book of Core Servlet and JSP(ISBN: 0-13-0893404-4). I prefer this book than the IBM recommended book of Java Servlet Programming. (The core servlet and jsp is much easier to understand for the beginner and is thinner)
3. Download and play the webSphere server v3.5, try to make the sample programs works. I do not like the document come with the server. I recommend the IBM webSphere 3.5 Handbook(available for download in pdf format at
4. Take the Mock test serveral times and try to really understand the points under each question (sometime in order to understand the points you need to refer to other document whatever you have)
5. Take the test.
(I do not think Enterprise Development with VisualAge for Jave version 3 and Servelt and JSP programming with IBM websphere studio and visualage for Jave very useful.)
Key part:
1. servlet, jsp, JDBC part in Core servlet and JSP
2. Chapter 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 23 in webSphere handbook 3.5
Passing score 50%
You have 75 min to answer around 55 questions
PS. webSphere version 4 is coming very soon!
Good Luck!

Iam also interested to take the exam in IBM's Websphere.Can you tell me how many months it took you to finish the exam?Is that Core Servlets and JSP by sun & Websphere handbook is more than Enough to get certification?Why you have told Enterprise development using Visual gae for java 3 and Websphere are not usefull?What is that mean?Do you have any model QPapers for taking certification?If at all please send it to me in [email protected].
23 years ago