P@wan Kumar

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since Jul 04, 2001
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Thanks for sharing this as I have been struggling with the same issue.
21 years ago
I have experience with Weblogic, so I thought I should get certified with IBM products to even out my skills. The IBM certification preparation gave be a better understanding of the IBM offering. The good part is that under jCert, the UML/OO and J2EE exams are reusable (if and) when I try to obtain a certification from Weblogic. Just my 2 cents.
I would say True. The UML assets are the documentation. An additional public method means change in the public interface. This should update the UML assets.
C. seems to be best suited. From practical experience working on a team of over 40 people distributed over UK and US, communication was extremely important. But we could not involve everyone in decision making as it wasn't efficient. We finally settled on two weekly conference calls of (sub)team leads where dependencies amongst the tracks were discussed and resolved. It is working out well.
One person making all decisions isn't the best as that person cannot know all the details of each package.