Ram Korutla

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since Dec 24, 2007
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Recent posts by Ram Korutla

There is no issue with the project execution. The existing team is carrying on their business. My issue is that I have been assigned as a lead to their project in which I had never worked earlier and neither Am I working now. How will I lead them, if I dont know much about it..My manager says I dont have to do anything at the ground level, just spent 20-30 mins each day on code walkthroughs and on what they do and in an year I will be atleast 70% proficient in their project...I cannot understand how can that be...Doing and knowing at superficial level are entirely different..Or is it that all leads are supposed to be equipped this way..Am I on the wrong impression.
12 years ago
I have a problem. My role is Project Lead. My present project team size is 2 including me. At onsite we have one more resource. My project is complex, but stable. It has been built long ago and we are doing maintenance. The existing set up is that, no matter whether we do something or we do not do anything and put some stupid text in status mail, my onsite coordinator is least worried. He simply puts another mail for the tasks for the day. The project domain is big and pretty complex, the technology is Flex, JSON, Core Java and web services. Flex is being used only by us and in our account there is no other project which implements it. We do not have any enhancements. Only some bugs, which are rare and mostly we have to monitor issues logged in production logs with ERROR severity. Again, whether our analysis is right or wrong, whether we fix the bugs or not, people are least bothered. All this is between offshore and onsite and the management does not know that this how it runs. For them, going by metrics, the project has rarely anything to do, which at the higher level is true. But if there is a bug to fix or to analysis, lots of time needs to be spent regardless of whether someone bothers about it or not.

Now the issue is, i have been assigned as lead to another project comprising of 2 junior resources and one senior at onsite. I am not able to do any justice to that role. I dont know the project, nor the functionality and I have not worked on that project before. My management says, spending some time daily 20-30 mins asking that team to explain what they have done will ramp me up and I would know at 70-80%, 6-7 months down the line. I dont understand how that is possible. Not understanding anything they do, and even though I would have code walkthrough for 30 mins daily from both the resources, i still cannot understand how I can come to a level, where I can handle to 70% efficiency. Is that how it works elsewhere also. To my knowledge working on the project daily, on its issues at ground level only will give me a grip on the project. What can code walkthrough do. I cannot sit with them daily and spend all my day with them. i have my own project and a fresher, new to the project. Regardless of the importance or result, I have to work in my project too. Firstly is this the right setup at all? If I were directly assigned to the other project and asked to oversee my present project, I wouldnt have had any issues. I know what goes on in my project and having worked on it already, I will be at a good place. But this setup, I am just clueless and I am looking as a dumb fellow to everyone.. Your thoughts please.
12 years ago
I have a flex screen, which displays information is 2 separate tabs, mostly identical, with some other differences. Now there is a message I am trying to display on top of the screen, reading from property file..something like below.

Your are welcome...you are visitor number {0}..xxxx

Now the above parameter 0 value is different in each tab let's say. I am configuring it's value using a variable _displayValue in the action script file associated with this mxml file. Initially when the screen is first loaded, the value, initialized in the action script file bind display to context is 1. Now when I click the other tab, on mouse down I am calling a click handler in action script file, say methodA. In this methodA, I am setting the _displayValue to 3. When I used Alert.show, it shows 3, but on the screen, the value is still 1. I am breaking my head since yesterday on this. Please help
12 years ago
The actual issue is when compiling I am receiving unable to load jvm.dll, cannot find JVM. Then when I googled, there were suggestions to edit the jvm.config in flex bin. In that file, there are instructions to point to JRE directly, which is what I am trying to do here. But still, the issue persists.
12 years ago

I am trying to compile flex project with Flash Builder 4, SDK 3.6.0, using ANT task. I am getting the below error while compiling

[echo] compc:java.home:S:\JavaSDK\jre
[compc] Error: could not find a JVM.

I have installed my Java in S drive. In the environment variables, I have set JAVA_HOME to S:\JavaSDK\bin

In the bin folder of flex sdk, in jvm.config, I have set the java home to "S:\JavaSDK\jre".
Even if I change this to "S:\JavaSDK\jre\bin", my build still echoes "[echo] compc:java.home:S:\JavaSDK\jre" and not "[echo] compc:java.home:S:\JavaSDK\jre\bin".

I dont know what is happening, but ultimately I need to make FLex recognize my JVM and I am also confused, where flex is taking the java.home from. Is it only from jvm.config or elsewhere. It cant be referring to environment variables because it points to jdk bin directory as said earlier.

Any help is appreciated.

12 years ago
Thanks John..I have not thought of that..

13 years ago
I have come into a dilemma on whether it is proper to search for employment elsewhere while in the job. I have been applying for some public sector jobs lately and they expect experience certificates of present and previous employers to be sent along with the applications. Experience certificate from the past employer is fine, but how do I get an experience certificate from the present employer? What do I tell them the reason I need it? The experience certificate must contain the period of work, designation etc. How can I let my present employer know about my intentions. I work for an Indian MNC. Is it unethical to apply for jobs while working? I dont know how to go about. Without the certificates the prospective employer will not consider my application at all. I am at a fix on what needs to be done. Any suggestions?
13 years ago

I am new to struts. We have a web application which we have developed in eclipse 3.2 based on struts and java 1.6. We are running the application on tomcat through eclipse. We have a excel download and upload functionality which is pretty much working fine when we are launching the application from eclipse on tomcat.
Now this application needs to deployment in some machine from where everybody should be able to access it. We have installed Tomcat on that machine and we have deployed this application as a WAR into tomcat.

Now the problem is that, file download works perfectly, but we do file upload, it is giving file not found exception as in below..I have been trying hard, but clueless on why it is working in eclipse, but not as a standalone . Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,
13 years ago
I believe, doing one's own job is pretty simpler than managing a team..the estimations and delivery schedules are not entirely at the discretion of the manager.. If the tech leads can explain why certain task would take more than the estimated time and justify to the client, any manager will not have problems. After if the team is happy and motivated, what more would a manager want ? If we want to live with managers who are non-techies, how do we expect them to sort out the estimation issues and all? They definitely need a helping hand before he approaches the client or senior management for more budget/time. Managing is an art and most dont have it..They feel insecure and it shows up in the way they deal with issues. They cannot convince the senior management/client nor the people under him. If it is a fault of manager, it is equally a crap by the organization. How a manager has become a manager with proper training or whatever it takes to be a good manager? People get promoted to PM by experience after some years. If a manager really has a heart he is the one who will suffer inside the most. They should be pitied. With the pay checks they draw and the lifestyle they have got accustomed to and more importantly the family commitments by the time they are managers, they cannot go back..It is a lot serious issue than it appears to be...that's the crap of IT industry..Its a whirlpool..If you are in, you cannot go out that easily.
13 years ago

This is a big description. So please be patient.

I have around 4.5 yrs experience and I worked on j2ee platform. The first 1.5 yrs of my career in IT was in UAT and production support and the technologies were jsp, servlets, EJB. That was around year 2006-2008. While I was 6 months in to my first project, it was in UAT stage and post that all the seniors moved out. It was a product for banking domain and was already running for 3 years before I joined the firm. So for production support I was the senior most in project terms although in experience there were others. Our management picked me up for production support and the product was not stable at all and we had hell lot of issues. We missed SLAs almost everytime and I had worked and stretched like anything to deliver fixes as per SLA terms. I knew the application flow. All that was required is to change existing jsps or servlets or pojo classes etc. It was application related and I was expert by that time in application terms. Still, the loop holes in the product hit us with 4-5 issues per day on an average and no matter how long we stretched, we missed many SLAs. When I was picked for production support for my module, I dont know if they meant it or otherwise, they said I had the best analytical skills among the team members of my team and so was picked up. All my daily routine was to work on fixes, talk to senior management on daily status and the status meetings often went for an hour frequently. I also used to speak to SME of the project, interfacing modules and attending any calls that might impact our modules etc. That is how my first 1.5 year went. I was out from B.tech in CSE in 2006 may and was in job by june. I never learnt java or jsp or anything for that matter myself and everything I learnt was on job. Never did I write a jsp from a scratch neither did I know what collections do and what they were. All know what we learn during B.tech years. Finally the client got frustrated and rejected our product when it was in AMC stage and so complete team was released. During the last three months one of the project manager came new to head us. Till then I had reported directly to Program manager or Project director. The new manager saw my independent handling and hardwork and when we were released, he took me into a development sort of project which had new technologies like XML, XSLT etc. The role was supposed for a 5 year guy, but impressed with me, he some how managed me to get into the project due to his rapport with one of the client managers. It soon turned out that I didnot have the basic skills in java - I have never really worked on from scratch anything at all. So within in 6 months, he lost all regard and confidence and used to sit beside me to get the things delivered. I had excellent communication skills among the team and that is the only thing he liked in me. Soon the mistrust and frequent bullying saying that I am not even fit for a one year guy hurt me and our relationship severed. I for my own personal problems in addition to neglect did not learn new things or basic things. All my life went in office. In that firm on an average I worked for 12 hours a day and had literally no time except on weekends which I wasted. With the severed ties, I opposed him and at one stage refused to work with him. In the previous production support project I was appraised 4 out of 4 meaning an outstanding performing and with in an year and half in next project everything down, I had to quit the company hearing rumor that they were preparing grounds for my termination and rated me 1 out of 4 partly due to my non-performance to their expections and partly due to rupture with this new management.

I quit and joined a new firm. For 1.5 months I was on bench. For another 1.5 month I worked in a project which had a client specific framework based on spring/hibernate, stuff I never even heard of. But all the tenure went solely for documenting design documents franklly, formatting the documents for the client expectations and purview. I was given a developer who was a fresher and he also knew little about technologies and the framework. However, there was one developer who had a week time training in framework and helped us. I tried my bit whatever I could to my knowledge to help him. The manager for this project moved to some other firm after the completion and the review he gave about me was very positive as I hear from my current manager and program manager. I am working on a new maintenance project yet again for past 3-4 months and during this appraisal period, my manager was satisfied with technical skills, commitments and all the stuff and asked me to improve on application and domain and processes followed by organization.

Recently I was asked to give a session on java to freshers. Basic concepts..core java. Ofcourse I was not touch with those concepts especially collections and I some how brushed up for 2 days for training. I gave the session and ofcourse I was not satisfied my self. I had no time to brush up deeply and especially collections were alien to me. I am also supposed to send them an assignment and ask them work on it and submit back to me for verification. People are saying that they are college level programs and pretty simple. I have been working on the assignment myself and could work out only one issue, that too after going through collection concepts once more. The other programs I am struggling to achieve.

This is my current stage, and I wonder how I can call myself a J2EE guy. Deeply immersed in maintenance projects stretching out myself hard gave me nothing but application knowledge and recognition in that project alone. Once out of that I am nothing. My earth is shaking and I am not able to keep up. Fortunately I am working again in a maintenance project which is far more stable. It involves java, flex, webservices etc.. Right now it does not involve much coding on flex side almost nothing at all and neither on web services side. A little bit changes are requird on java and mostly it is analysis and not bug fixing that is going on right now. But a simple training session and its assignment is devastating to me and I am working like anything now on assignment.

With all the maintenance backdrop it only contributed to break of my spine and nothing else. I am a team lead now, a position less than project lead and still have 4-5 more years to become a manager at which point I will have practically have no need to worry much on technical aspects. But in the mean time, I am facing lot of embarassment myself. I am just thinking of approaching my manager to ask him to not to assign any more sessions this way. But it is a two sided arrow and it will likely force me work on developing my technical skills at this point of time in addition to shattering whatever expectations or opinion he held about me till now.

For me I learnt that maintenance projects are most damaging in the initial stages of one's career. Does anyone agree with me. While I am also the one to blame to not have updated myself on technical aspects being in delivery stream, is it not the maintenance project aspect of my career, which landed me in this soup and what is a way out.

I can only quit IT. But now I will have to join at most junior position in any other field as this experience has no relevance at all.

What are your thoughts?


13 years ago

I have downloaded hammurapi and I am running ant task to get report on the sources. Is there a way to plug it to eclipse and use it with eclipse, where in I can select just one or more source file and run hammurapi to generate report using eclipse, please let me know

Hi All,

My question looks weird and no-sense to myself already , but here I go..I would like to know if there is any tool that does the creation of Junit class for the methods in a java class. A method might have different processing steps. So is there a tool that creates the JUnit test case for a method.

14 years ago
Well, I think I got what it meant in our firm..The policy is primarily to say that relatives cannot be employed in direct supervisory position. Otherwise relatives of the employees are eligible to get employed in the firm. So nothing special, they only want to say relatives cannot be positioned in direct supervisory role or those with conflicts of interest.
14 years ago
Good one lol

Thats precisely what I dont understand. What's so special about this policy and different from existing recruitment guidelines of any firm.I think companies from India might be having this in their policy book. I want to hear from them.

14 years ago

I am seeing Employment of Relatives policy in my present and previous firm. What is so special about it. They are not going to offer employment just like that since someone is a relative of existing employee right. Then what is so special about that policy, Am I missing something here, please let me know. People have to prove their skill in interviews and go through all the existing process before securing a job. Then what is this employment of relatives policy bringing new? I think many of the Indian IT firms might be having this policy. If someone has any idea please shoot.

14 years ago