This question cannot be answered just from the technology perspective. It has to be answered in the context of business value that clustering brings. If the investment justifies in terms of increased business than why not?
In Spring MVC, there are two context. One is the application context or global context which is booted up by ContextLoaderListener. It takes all the configuration file mentioned in contextConfigLocation parameter.
Now if you are are using Spring MVC also than Dispatcher servlet is required, which boots up another container which is also known as web application container. This container takes the global container as a parent.
If you are using Spring in the backend only, then the global context is good enough. However if you are using Spring MVC also for front end than you need Dispatcher Servlet also.
Can you tell more details about how you have created your client? Also looking at exception it seems you are using JAX-RPC client. IF possible use JAX-WS client.
Rest is a style of webservice when you deal directly with XML. A basic requirement for building a rest service is:
- A servlet which can handle http request.
- XML parser which can read the incoming XML messages and create response XML.
When you are trying to save instance of A, than instance of B attached to it is transient? If instance of B is transient it will try to save instance of B because you have cascade behavior set to save-update.
If possible use annotations to configure your mapping.
- You have put mappedBy on User side, that means the role side is the owning side. I think it's better to make the User side as the owning side. Because the roles are attached or detached to users and not the other way round.
Two Questsions:
- Are the two machines in different Operating system ?
- Did you put the path with directory structure which got changed? If you paste your spring config XML, that might help better to get some clue.