Xu Jun

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since Dec 28, 2007
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Recent posts by Xu Jun

May any firend kindly explain how is the computer work for Explicit assignment conversion(reference types) behind <wantedType> s=(wantedType)new(AnotherType) (i mean something like memory address changes..).
And how can compiler know that here is a ClassCastException?(compiler know this exception by what?)

I just finish one test with the mock of MasterExam.....but ....it's too difficult.I almost frustrated about my exam...but some people say it's the MasterExam too difficult .I've finished all the questions in SCJP 310 055 Study Guide.The question in this book not so hard,it's easier than MasterExam.

Would any friend tell me which is harder between the real exam and SCJP Study Guide?

(In China i can't buy K&B's book,so i have to refer that book and others)

now i think understand it.
We usually use the one for byte,so i can't distinguish the different .
Acutally 16bit is suitable when dealing with different OS isn't it?

And thanks a lot for reminder me that no translate will done automatic.

16 years ago
it's really a high score~
I admire you
16 years ago
Hello~ i got some puzzle about PrintWriter and PrintStream

what's the differents between those two methods, as i know PrintWiter mainly handle Unicode(char) ,PrintStream for byte.
Is that mean if i use
PrintStream method println(),print a chinese word such as "中国",when this code run in a USA computer it's will be translated into "China" automatic?? But the method of PrintWriter will give unreadable code?

Xu ,
16 years ago
Really~I have tried again~~it's throws none exception at all~
the book wrong?
i can't find too many reference book for scjp

friends,help me~~~
thank you for any advice