Environment: NetBeans 6.5
Server:GlassFish V2
Things done:Configured SSLEXT by adding SSLEXt.jar to my library
and setting my configuration files
Aim:Implementing SSL in Struts application
I created a sample Struts application with SSL support.
I am using sslext:form to submit my form
On submitting its changing to https thats visible from my browser.
But my forward is not working ,that is when I submit the form,I get a page not found error.
My jsp page where sslext form exists
My Action class just forwards it to the index2.jsp
My config file that contains the details
My Plugin configuration in config file is:
I changed the httpPort to 8250 because defaulty my url came something like
I hope this is not the issue,issue has something to do with Glassfish or I am missing some important configurations here.