Davis McCardle

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since Jul 05, 2001
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I have these certifications:
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect
I have a Master's degree, and 5 years experience as a professional programmer. (I have been coding since about 1989, but a lot of that was doing research.) I also have experience as a computer science instructor.
I am willing to relocate to the East or West coast, or the Western states (Arizona, Nevada, Texas).
I want a demanding job. I love travel, and would even prefer it. My native language is English. I also speak Spanish.
If you are interested, please send me email, and I can email you a copy of my resume.

[This message has been edited by Davis McCardle (edited July 13, 2001).]
23 years ago
Thanks for this info!
This is exactly what I needed to know.
23 years ago
What is the salary range for an experienced programmer (10 years) who has his SCJP+SCJD+SCEA?
I am willing to relocate, and don't mind at all a job that requires travel.
23 years ago