Pavan Menon

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since Jan 07, 2008
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Recent posts by Pavan Menon

congrats.... 96% is not BAD friend.

16 years ago
As per my knowledge, there are no marks available or displayed in Sun Cert DB.
If you just passed or scored cent percent, it is claimed as a PASS and other eligible exams that you may attend will become ENROLLED.
16 years ago
Good Catch.
Thanks for sharing
16 years ago
Great Score...
16 years ago
Just now I received the Official Certificate, Logo and Appreciation Letter from Sun.
16 years ago
Yes, Some practical knowledge is sufficient to use SQL queries with Java in an 100% O-O manner. Remember! think every thing as an object while doing java. As you mentioned, procedural concept can be used in java but that will look inefficient, tight coupling and cumbersome.

So many books are available in market which guides you to code/design in effective manner. One book is listed below.

Best Practices Java/JDBC

Congrats for passing SCJA/SCJP in less time. Its an achievement.

If you can spend some time by practically implementing the same, then definetely you can avoid your worries.

All the best!
16 years ago

Originally posted by Sumit Gaikaiwari:
Hi Ranchers,

The good thing was I got time for exam of 210 minutes, I was expecting it to be 175 mins...

So you cleared SCJP 5 or SCJP 6
16 years ago

Good Pace 18 days
16 years ago