sumanta karmakar

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since Jul 06, 2001
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Recent posts by sumanta karmakar

hello everybody,
here is another problem .....
i want to create threads between two users among all the users logged in in my system. i.e. those who are chatting between themselves .
Can anyone help me out by sending some sample codes ?
23 years ago
hello everybody,
i'm undergoing a project on CHAT SERVER project. there the user authentication is being done by using a database.
but i am unable to display the USER NAME in the CHAT APPLET.
can somebody help me out?

23 years ago
hi all,
i am undergoing a poject on mail capturing and sending. this is being implemented in Java. i have already implemented the mail reading part but i want to read only new mails from mail box can any one help me by sending the corresponding codes of Java.
23 years ago