Nhat Nguyen

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since Jan 09, 2008
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try this:

public void Service(ServletRequest req,ServletResponse res) throws ServletException,IOException

this method must be:

public void service(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,IOException

or better:

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,IOException

16 years ago
Hi Nikesh P Shah,
Liferay doesn't as slow as you think! At the first time, it has to compile JSP to Java ByteCode, so you may feel it 's pretty slowly. Liferay also integrates many technologies: JSR 168, ORM, ... that it's easier for you to extend your system. I think if you are familiar with Liferay, you will love it .
I haven't tried JBoss Portal and OpenPortal so I don't have any idea about them. Joomla is a very good CMS, it can be used to build a large website but if you want to build up a portal that meets your need, I think Joomla is not strong enough.

PS: Liferay doesn't use Applet technology. It uses J2EE technology.
16 years ago
I haven't tried all of portal but in my opinion, Liferay is the best opensource portal and Websphere is the best commercial portal.
16 years ago
Oh, I'm sorry! I got mistakes. JSTL has loop, message and many features ... Thank Bear Bibeault!
16 years ago
Some time, using JSTL is more convenient than using Struts taglib (like: <c:if> and <logic resent>, ...)
Some time, you want to perform an action but JSTL doesn't support (like loop, message resource, ...)
So, using JSTL or Struts taglib must be very flexible.
16 years ago
I haven't written any portlet using RAD but I know that you can use both JSTL and Struts tags in your JSPs. JSTL tags are used to control the flow of the page like: <c:if>, <c:choose>, ... and Struts tags are used to display information like: <logic:iterator>, ...
16 years ago
you can understand like this:
List<String>: list of string
List<Integer>: list of integer
List<YourBean>: list of YourBean object
16 years ago
"==" is used to compare 2 string objects.
In this case, to compare values between two strings, you have to use "equals" method.