nandhini sruthi

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since Jan 11, 2008
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Recent posts by nandhini sruthi

How to validate the JTable Column based on the value of the previous column value.

I have to display a alert message while entering the value in the column based on the previous column and return focus to the same column. How can I do this. I am new to JTable.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
Thank you for your reply.
If you know the system table name in oracle 10g which can list all the Data types in oracle. Please let me know.This will very helpful for me.

Is there any way to Retrieve all the Data types for current RDBMS(oracle) using java matadata.


I done some design in html page.In applet while click the button the html page should display in new window.That is in Either browser or Java GUI.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
I need help for how to open html page in new window while click the button in java.please give the solution.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
Thanks for reply.I got the answer.
16 years ago
I tried using substring.but I got some problem in that. Please give the solution. I put my code here.

If i use the like above(ie.I pass the value directly)i got exact filename get_url.but i can't use like this.When I click the browse button I take any file and its path may be different. I definitely use like follows. But that time I can't get exact filename.

If i use the like above I got filename D:\MDM\get_url.please give the solution.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
I need help for get only the filename from attachment url D:\MDM\get_url.txt it is not default.this url is change everytime attachment.please help me how to get filename without txt.

thanks in advance.
16 years ago
I am doing License version functionality
I have trial version that contains two button Buy License and UPgrade and some details about trial version.I have to change from trial version to Licese version ,While click the Buy License button display one window that contains Browse button,I am getting some files from
any location using Browse button and moving that files into trial version files location,after moving some files,trial version should change to license version.

Thanks in Advance.
16 years ago
When I replace the class and java files using browse button existing screen details should be changed with other details.
I planed to do like the following method,
please reply this method is the correct way or not:
"First I design the Screen with changes details using java then I will get that file using browse button in existing Screen(existing screen contains Browse button),After replace the changes details screen,screen should display the changes."
please any body help me.

Thanks in Advance.
16 years ago
When I replace the class and java files using browse button existing screen details should be changed with other details.
I planed to do like the following method,
please reply this method is the correct way or not:
"First I design the Screen with changes details using java then I will get that file using browse button in existing Screen(existing screen contains Browse button),After replace the changes details screen,screen should display the changes."
please any body help me.

Thanks in Advance.
16 years ago
I want to replace one Class Files from one location to other location,how can doing this using java.

Thanks in Advance.
16 years ago
I got the following error while sending attachment 5

I am using 5 browse.. for attach file
if i attach 5 file paths means multiple attachment working properly,but if i attach 1 or 2 file paths i got the error.

i post my code here

[EJFH: Code was all on one long line!]
[ February 27, 2008: Message edited by: Ernest Friedman-Hill ]
16 years ago
I got the following error while sending attachment 5

I am using 5 browse.. for attach file
if i attach 5 file paths means multiple attachment working properly,but if i attach 1 or 2 file paths i got the error.

i post my code here

16 years ago
thanks a lot for your help,i understood well but i have one dought in this, how to get current page.

thanks in advance
17 years ago