Being myself an IBM SOA Test-667 aspirant, these are the materials i have consolidated and I believe should be used in that order,
1. These are the introductory material on SOA. Maybe some one who has already gone through these material can comment on this
a. SOA Redbooks => Try in IBM Website. You can find them here b. SOA for Dummies
2. From exam point of view the following are very important and should not be missed as these are the recommended IBM Course material for the actual exam topics. You will get some study material PDFs here corresponding to SW717,SW718 and SW719 (MUST READ) 3. Finally, the brush-up material on SOA for the exam. Although you can consider using (a) below for introductory preparation as well.
a. b. c. (Go through some of the Exam Eexperience messages by other people who have already taken it plus see the Files section)
4. From what i saw in the other messages in JavaRanch and IBMSOA Yahoo groups, looks like in addition to the material above we have to read and be informed about upcoming SOA Initiatives e.g SIMM. I am trying to hit upon the IBM page which highlights some of the new initiatives in SOA that will be spearheaded by IBM. Please note that this is an IBM exam and therefore we will be tested on SOA from IBM point of view and what initiatives/standards IBM supports (through its products). Knowing this, certainly helps.
If we read all these, we still may not be able to get 100%, as the complete list of topics that are sufficient for the exam is still unclear. However we may pass the exam with scores around 80-85%. This is my personal opinion
. While I believe I am correct for the most part of it, someone who has already cleared the exam would be the best bet to comment on it.
[ February 14, 2008: Message edited by: Alfred Jayaprakash ]