bill bozeman

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since Jun 30, 2000
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Recent posts by bill bozeman

I have been kind of absent lately and I wanted to give a quick apology. My job and my personal life have gotten a little overwhelming, plus it looks like I will be starting a new job in a few weeks, so I am going to get even busier. I wanted to write a quick note becuase I am actually away this weekend, and I couldn't get to grading some of the assignments before I went away. I only have a few students left and I will definately get caught up first thing Tuesday morning when I get back to work.
Sorry again
23 years ago
I passed the exam at the beginning of this year. It was pretty challenging but quite fun. Let me know if you want any help with anything.
23 years ago
I agree with Angela. You don't learn much if you just do the exercise and then look at the solution. Might tell you that you did this differently but doesn't give you insight to what you could have improved on. One on one communication helps you with that. And we never just blurt out the answer, we try to steer you to the correct one so you are the one coming up with the answer. You will learn much more that way.
Go on the waiting list and you will see what I mean.
23 years ago
Brad, I agree with you on both counts when you say that the $200 dollars is worth the service, and that many people will not be able to pay and will be deprived of this service. That was one of my major concerns.
That is why we started the waiting list idea. Once we get the number of students down to a reasonable level, say 15 or so, then we will start to allow new students who are on the waiting list. Wait will probably be long so that is why you can also pay the money and join right away.
I like your other idea also, but I feel it misses out on some of the one to one communication that goes on, and there is always the people who will just look at someone elses code and just go from there. True you don't gain much that way, but there are probably many of us who would have snuck a peek at Java 4b after the 10th submission
23 years ago
Thanks Brian. The only problem with that is the time it takes to get up to speed with nitpicking. We want all of our students to have the same types of nits for the most part, regardless of who is doing the nitpicking. I am helping out with the assignment 1 and now 2, but I spent about one month seeing the things that Marilyn picked at, then showing her some of the comments that I would have made, then I started doing them myself. I was at first surprised to see all the different ways of doing something and they are valid, so you have different nits for different situations.
But if you want to help, Marilyn would be the one to talk with.
23 years ago
You will need JDK1.3EE if you are using servlets. However, the java.sql package in JDK1.3 SE is all you need to connect to the database. If you still can't connect, try using a simple TestConnection class and see if you can get in. If you can't show us your code and report any error messages you are getting.
Since the Cattle Drive has become so busy and with the recent addition of having to charge people, I am not requiring people to go through the Cattle Drive to participate. I do ask that you follow the style guide here at the Ranch, but going through the Drive is not mandatory.
23 years ago
Dave, I'll let Marilyn answer that. She is the keeper and knows more about it than I do
Thanks for the words. Is true that work load really has increased. I help out Marilyn but in a very small sense and I spend about 8 to 10 hours per week, so I am sure she is swamped.
23 years ago
The CattleDrive was just getting way too many students. Paul or Marilyn will lay out the full details, but we had to do something because Marilyn was spending about 40 hours a week looking over assignments and remember she does all that on a volunteer basis.
You will get more info on this soon. But for anyone who is already a member of the Drive, you will not be effected.
23 years ago
One more question on this assignment,
In the HTML form, your checkboxes have different names like this:

Shouldn't the checkbox names be the same and the vaules be different. That is the typical way to have checkboxes I believe. So I thought it should look like this:

23 years ago
You name doesn't comply with our policy here at Javaranch. Check out for more info. Please re-register with a more appropriate name.
23 years ago
You can't import java packages with javascript. Java and Javascript are two completely different things. Netscape wanted to get on the Java name when they created thier client side scritping so they named it javascript.
Also, I am moving this to javascript / html forum as this doesn't belong in the JDBC forum. Maybe someone there will know something I don't.
You can't import java packages with javascript. Java and Javascript are two completely different things. Netscape wanted to get on the Java name when they created thier client side scritping so they named it javascript.
Also, I am moving this to javascript / html forum as this doesn't belong in the JDBC forum. Maybe someone there will know something I don't.
Do what Marilyn and Johannes said, but if to ease your mind about your code, But the problem is that you capitalized the "P" in public. Also, you cannot declare a StringBuffer like you do a String. For a StringBuffer you have to use the new keyword. Should be:

But again, for this assignment, I would use a String instead of a StringBuffer.
23 years ago
Congrats! I am reading this book right now and I find it the best book on JSP that I have looked at. I am sure you will like it also.
23 years ago