Moayad Abu Jaber

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 15, 2008
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Recent posts by Moayad Abu Jaber

I got the solution, I wasn't configure spring properly
Hello all,

I faced weird problem, Now I used to fetch=FetchType.EAGER to eagerly fetching the ManyToOne relationship.

its work fine in web container but when I use the same code in standalone application, thrown to me exception "object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing"

any idea ?!?!

I need to use it for production but in my application, Wanna use it Independently to create DB for the first time as Patch.
in the same time I wanna use the same configuration I used it in my application describe it above

Hi all,
recently I tried to used database.hibernate.hbm2ddl in hibernate but it's not recommended for production.
I'm now try to used this option to help for create the schema just for one time. FYI all the DB configuration I use it in properties file and place it in spring config.

thanks in advanced

that bad news, thanks Tim
15 years ago
if you are certified you can request the logo from Sun logo web site

Hi all,
I tried to find any way to generate backing bean automatically from exist JSF page in eclipse. I didn't find that inside WTP.
I don't know if that already exist in WTP ? if no, there is any other plugin used for this purpose ?

if yes, pleas guide me how can generate backing bean from existing JSF page.

15 years ago
thanks for clarification, and congrats to all winners
15 years ago

Henry Wong wrote:

How who won? All four winners looks like they have valid winning posts.

sorry but I don't see any post for those winners in this thread except Rahul Juneja.

congratulation to Rahul Juneja!

15 years ago
only one of those he posted in * Welcome Rainer Eschen !! how they won ?
15 years ago
you can find plug-in for eclipse in this link after download you will find plugin guide inside the zip file. BTW: all what you want about ICEFaces you can find it in their website just register in their website.

hope you enjoy in it ;) Icefaces more powerful in UI than Spring.

15 years ago
you should put cascade attribute in your relationship annotation.

you can see this site he explain what you want exactly.
Welcome Rainer.
15 years ago
don't forget this in your web.xml
15 years ago
I don't know you asked or guessed !! we here share the experience,then if you don't thing that you should not ask that !

handle that from you side as you want and as what you guessed.