The directory location where files will be stored. Default:""
location: An absolute path to a directory on the file system. The location attribute does not support a path relative to the application context. This location is used to store files temporarily while the parts are processed or when the size of the file exceeds the specified fileSizeThreshold setting. The default location is "".
James Sutherland wrote:Yes, you should configure a sequence connection pool that uses a non-JTA DataSource.
James Sutherland wrote:For a sequence connection pool you don't need another persistence unit. You do need a non-JTA data-source, but most servers allow you to use the same connection pool for JTA and non-JTA.
Per Lindberg wrote:
Aha, ok. So in the example below, I just have to change non-transactional-connections from "false" to "true", and that's it?
James Sutherland wrote:For a sequence connection pool you don't need another persistence unit. You do need a non-JTA data-source, but most servers allow you to use the same connection pool for JTA and non-JTA.
James Sutherland wrote:For the pre-allocation, a bigger size is recommend if you do lost of inserts. Note that for IDENTITY sequencing the id must be selected on every insert, so your ratio of 1:50 would be 50:50 for IDENTITY, TABLE sequencing is much more efficient.
James Sutherland wrote:Not sure why you would be worried about losing 50 sequence numbers on a restart?
James Sutherland wrote:If you are using EclipseLink, you can use a sequence connection pool...
James Sutherland wrote:Also use a large sequence pre-allocation size.