vinod ac

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since Jul 08, 2001
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Recent posts by vinod ac

I have misspelled actionPerformed as acionperformed
So plz correct it.
Actually u can run any exe file like notepad,mspaint etc... provided u give the correct path.
While giving the path be careful !!!
u must use forward slash(/) and not backward slash(\)
While running the Internet Explorer give the path of iexplore.exe file and pass the path of ur html file as an arguement.
In the code that i have given, internet explorer will open and will start downloading Similarly u give the path of ur html file.
alright ?? clear ??? byeee....
23 years ago

Hi try this code !! it works !!!
public void acionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process p = null;
p = r.exec("C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Error opening Internet Explorer...");
jb -> Object of class JButton
Runtime & Process are in java.lang Package. So u need not import the java.lang package
23 years ago
Hi Gr8
Try using setBounds() method with null layout
Container c = getContentPane();
(JTextField object).setBounds(5,5,100,25);
c.add(JtextField Object)
k ? got it ???
23 years ago
Hi Ibrahim ,
Saw ur reply. Thanks a lot !
But i have a doubt, u need 2 pass an arguement to the InetAddress.getByName() method (String arguement)
what will u pass in the arguement
hostname ??? computer name ?? what else ???
23 years ago

c satya when u get connected to the net ur ISP server will assign u an ip-address right ??
imagine u r connected 2 the internet. Certainly u will have some ip-address assigned by ur ISP. I want 2 determine that address assigned by the server using my java program from my computer.
did u get me now ???
any way thanxxx 4 responding......
- Vinod
23 years ago
Hi pals,
Thanks 4 reading my query !!!
I'm developing an instant messenger like Yahoo Messenger using swing,rmi,jsp,jdbc,networking.
While loading the friend's list i add the names as leaves in the JTree. When the application loads the tree remains in closed state. I want it to be in expanded state when the programs loads.
can any body help me ?? plzzzzz
Similarly while loading the friend's list, to show the online buddies & those offline, i have to set the corresponding icon for the leaf.I dont know how 2 set the icons for the leaves in the JTree (both smiling icon and sleeping icon).
Please help me ...... Thanks in advance
my e-mail id :
23 years ago
Hi pals,
Thanks 4 reading my query !!!
I'm developing an instant messenger like Yahoo Messenger using swing,rmi,jsp,jdbc,networking.
While loading the friend's list i add the names as leaves in the JTree. When the application loads the tree remains in closed state. I want it to be in expanded state when the programs loads.
can any body help me ?? plzzzzz
Similarly while loading the friend's list, to show the online buddies & those offline, i have to set the corresponding icon for the leaf.I dont know how 2 set the icons for the leaves in the JTree (both smiling icon and sleeping icon).
Please help me ...... Thanks in advance
my e-mail id :
How to determine the ip-address of my computer (stand alone pc)
from another pc. Both are connected to the internet
I tried using InetAddress.getByName(my computer name)
it works on my pc but not in other pc's
23 years ago