pawan chopra

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since Jan 23, 2008
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Recent posts by pawan chopra

Pau Daniels wrote:Thanks for the question!

The reactive programming paradigm is definitely a mind bender for newcomers. Since RxJS in Action is all about taking readers from zero to sixty (in programming terms at least) we knew that we were going to have to get people
to wrap their heads around reactive concepts as a whole. To achieve this we heavily focus the first three chapters on what it means to be reactive by exploring asynchronous vs synchronous data constructs, examining the tools that we use to build reactive code and constructing a high level mental model of how it all fits together.

Another big danger of diving into any new topic or paradigm is that a lot of code tends to get thrown at you at once and as developers we are really eager to jump right into...well...developing. Look at any online tutorial or readme and you will likely find code samples almost immediately. While this can be beneficial if you know what you are doing, beginners approaching the topic are often misled into emulating advanced code patterns that they don't fully understand, which leads to all sorts of misuse.

Our approach was to focus those first couple chapters on core concepts, with as few live code samples as possible, demonstrating mainly through pseudo-code and graphics we wanted to devote those first pages to really driving how the what and why of reactive programming without the distraction of the how. Once we have covered those core ideas then it becomes much easier to map code to them.

Brilliant! This is exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions.
Hi Paul and Luis,

Thanks for coming to coderanch. Feels like perfect timing for me. We have a web application currently built on React and Redux (for state management). We have had our good and bad moments with Redux. Specifically dealing with complexity around multiple instances of redux containers etc.  As our application is growing we are seeing more issues with Redux mostly because of complexity of our app. Recently we came across a blog post about Redux in single line of code with RxJs. After reading the blog post we tried implementing this in our application and we were actually able to eliminate Redux completely. Then we decided to add Rxjs in more places like throttlinng the action dispatch calls and events. This works exteremly well for us.

The only concern that we have is the learning curve. By looking at the code everything looks so simple in RxJs but seems like for new developers adapting to Reactive methodolgy is hard. To be honest it took me couple of weeks to understand even the basic terminology of Reactive programming.

I have seen couple of great blog posts like The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing and tools like RxMarbles. I think they are good to give a start but still missing some important details. The question I have for you guys is how does your book handle this issue. Specifically teaching the mentality behind reactive programming. Do you guys have any dedicated sections for such topic?

Other thing I am really curious is Debugging Rxjs applications. Do you guys have any sections related to that? I know debugging is still kind of new to Rxjs but I am curious to know if you guys are covering this in the book. Thanks for your effort on the book.

Thank you so much Kyle. Appreciate your time.
Welcome Kyle Simpson,

I have a very general question about your book series. I have been programming in JavaScript for almost 4 years now. I have Read couple of really good books including Javascript for Web Developers By Nicholas, Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja and off course JavaScript the good parts.

But for some reason whenever I saw your books in recommendations and tweets by some really good developers. I always wonder what is it that these developers don't know about JavaScript? I do not count myself as a best JavaScript developer but I am doing ok. So I am very intrigued to know what part of JS I don't know that I can learn from these books? So here are couple of things I wanted to ask:

(1) What is this series all about? Is it basics of JavaScript or some hidden gems?
(2) Is it about writing high performance JavaScript? Like how libraries like asm.js generate high performance JavaScript?
(3) How does this series make me a different JavaScript programmer? What changes I should expect in my daily programming?

Really curious to know more about your books. Thanks for all the Hardwork.

I have read couple of articles about delivering response incrementally to the browser but I am not able to find detail explanation with example. Can somebody point me to right direction for this. Basically what I am looking for is to understand how I can start delivering response in chunks to the browser while server is working on rest of the response. Thanks.
9 years ago
@Bear I agree with you. But still If you could suggest me Books and Subjects. That will be really helpful.
10 years ago
Hi All,

Not sure if this should be in meaning less drive or not. I am a Non-CS programmer. I went to college for Electronics Engineering but some how ended up as a Programmer working in Java technology. I am kind of ok in Java and other Web technologies. Doing good with my life learned some DS and Algorithms. Got a good job recently. I do intreact a lot with my teamates who are really really good. Actually all of them has CS background. We generally talk about technologies but a lot of times I feel like I missed a lot of things which I did not study in EE. So here is a serious question. I wanna know what are the books and subjects I should read to cover that Gap. I would really love to put effort for next 2 years and become a better programmer. Hope to get great suggestions from you guys.

10 years ago

I am not sure what should be the subject of this problem I have tried to put something meaningful. here is a problem:

I have an array a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]. I want to create a new array which should be something like a[n] = a[n] + a[n-1]. So for this array the result will be [1,3,6,10,15,21]. I am doing it in a very simple way by creating a new array. Is there any other tricky way of doing it? I am actually using ruby but I think it doesn't matter.

10 years ago
Hi All,

I am working on one shopping application. I have a header which acts like a container. Sometimes it acts like a container for recommended product, sometimes for advertisement. Right now I am conditionally changing innerHTML of header container for displaying advertisement or recommended product. I may add more categories to display in the header. I kind of feel that this if else will grow with time. Specially every category for example advertisement has more priority than recommended product. So if I get both from the feed I will show advertisement not recommended product. I would like to know what will be the good design for implementing such kind of thing. Is there any design pattern?
10 years ago
I generally listen to songs in my native language (Punjabi). What kind of music generally is good while programming so that you can concentrate on work as well?
10 years ago
Hi Ulf,

I saw that but its more like writing with mouse. I was looking for something like where I will define the text. Then its animation kind of thing where hand is actually writing that when I present it. Let me know if I am wrong. I have not seen OmniDazzle in detail.

Something like this:

10 years ago

I have read couple of books on JavaScript now. But every book has covered stuff in different way(Which is good. You get to learn more!). So I have couple of questions:

(1) Is it for beginner or some experienced developers will also learn new stuff?
(2) Is this book going to explain most of the things in Object Oriented way?
(3) I saw book has a chapter "Anonymous Functions, Scope and Closures: Serious functions". Are you covering Closures and scope in detail?
(4) Are you covering DOM extensively and API's that can hurt performance.
(5) I would love to see how compiler or javascript interpreter will interpret code. So I am not sure if while showing examples you are also explaining how Compiler will interpret it.

Sorry about so many queries. Its always great to read multiple books on subject that you love. Thanks for all your efforts.

Does any body knows what kind of tool people use to build video ads or presentations to show hand writing and drawing some boxes if required. You may have seen similar thing in advertisment
10 years ago