Ong Vua

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since Jan 24, 2008
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Recent posts by Ong Vua

So I have two select statements. If I want to run one, I have to highlight it and execute it. In Oracle SQL Developer, I only need to put a cursor in the statement that I want to run and execute it.

Is there a way to do that in SQL Management Tool instead of highlighting the whole statement? I'm using SQL Management Tool 2014 SP1

My company is using SQL Server 2014. Is there a free SQL Management Studio that I can use to query the SQL 2014 database? If so, can you show me where please?

A while back I downloaded a wsdl file for custom object 5 of Oracle CRM On Demand product and generated java proxy from it. I got the below artifacts along with a folder called crmondemand that contains 2 folders ws and xml.


Now I need to generate the same proxy for other custom objects. I don't remember what tool I used last time to generate java proxy for web services. I tried the command

wsimport -keep -d c:\temp\output -s c:\temp\source c:\temp\Account.wsdl

But I only got a folder called crmondemand with the two sub-folders xml and ws. But I did not get the above artifacts.

Do you know how I can get the above artifacts?

9 years ago
What's the most popular rule engine for Ruby? In the java world, it's Drools ( How about Ruby?

9 years ago
What's the most popular rule engine for PHP? In the java world, it's Drools ( How about PHP?

9 years ago
If not, what's the best rules engine for Wordpress please?

9 years ago
I'm using Drools 6.2.0 in my web application. I don't want to include the drl files in the WAR file but still want to be able to execute the rules. Can I do that? If so, how please?

9 years ago
Can you recommend a good one please? I'd like to have one that I can use with other web frameworks like Spring, Struts, Vaadin, Grails ...etc.

9 years ago
Here's my code. These code statements are not in the finally statement. My questions:

1) How do I know if I use a connection pool? Do I have to do anything else to specify that I use the pool in my code?

10 years ago
I set up a data source to a SQL Server database in WL 10.3.5. I have 2 java programs that use JDBC to query the database every 3 minutes. I close all connections in my java programs using JDBC.

I noticed the Current Active Connection value is pretty high. Leaked connections are 0. After a few days, I've gotta Out Of Memory and I had to restart the server.

I did not make changes to any settings when I set up the data source like Connection Timeout or others? What settings should I change please? And what values should I give them?

10 years ago
One more thing, the <sold></sold> tag will only have 2 values (1 or 0)
Here's my xml

I want to sum the total sale prices, in this case it will be $14 because the 1st one does not sell any ticket

The simplest way I think of is to multiple price with sold for each ticket and then sum it all up.

I group by <ticket> and below is my code but I got 0

<?sum(current-group()/sold * current-group()/price)?>

Do you know why? If you have a simpler approach, please let me know

I'm trying to connect to a secure web service and I got the below error

SoapFault Exception [wsse: InvalidSecurity] error on verifying message against security policy Error Code 1000

Here's my code

I'm able to call the webservice using soapUI with that username and password fine.

Do you have any idea?

PHP 5.4
Windows 7
Run PHP via Command Line
11 years ago
My application uses external classes (quartz, jersey, jackson) and I included all the jar files containing the external classes in the WEB-INF\lib directory of the EAR file already. I deployed it to WLS 10.3.5 on windows but when I tried to start it up, it failed to start up.

I copied all those jar files and put them in the <domains>\<domain>\lib directory and then add those class paths in the class path section on the ServerStart tab of the server then it started up.

I thought if you include those jar files in the WEB-INF\lib of the EAR file then you don't need to put them in the <domain>\lib and specify in the classpath section?

Do you have any ideas?
12 years ago
This is the desired output

{"node":{"type":"community","field_incentives":{"und":[{"value":"fun"},{"value":"nice"}]},"field_email":{"und":[{"value":"[email protected]"}]}}}

Here's my code.

ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
JsonFactory f = new JsonFactory();
JsonGenerator g = f.createJsonGenerator(outputStream);
g.writeStringField("type", "community");

???I don't know how to make [{"value":"fun"},{"value":"nice"}]


Here's the output

