J Wallace

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since Jan 30, 2008
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Recent posts by J Wallace

Thank you. This makes perfect sense now.
13 years ago
I'm having a problem with clipping bounds not being what I expect them to be. I must not fully understand what's going on. Here is a simple example to illustrate the problem:

In the code above, java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=98,height=144] is initially printed. This seems like a reasonable clip. However, when I scroll down one unit, I get java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=144,width=98,height=1]. What is happening here? I was expecting to see something like java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=1,width=98,height=144]. Also, if I then scroll back up one unit, I get java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=98,height=1]. Why is it not back to the original clip?

Can someone please explain what's going on? Thank you.
13 years ago

I am trying to create a MaskFormatter that formats an elapsed time. The number of elapsed seconds is stored as a Double and should be formatted similar to days:hh:mm:ss.sss. I have come up with an extension to MaskFormatter, inspired by http://weblogs.java.net/blog/hansmuller/archive/2005/08/using_swings_jf.html, which seems to do the job. However, a problem arises after initially inputting an elapsed time. After the initial edit, the value cannot be edited. What am I doing wrong? Here is the code with a main that illustrates the problem:

Any ideas?
14 years ago
Should I be concerned about the perm gen being at 99% capacity when the JVM crashes?
16 years ago

I'm running a Java 1.4.2 application on a Red Hat machine that causes the JVM to crash with a SIGSEGV error. -Xms is 64M and -Xmx is 128M. I first thought that the perm gen size was too low since it always has a high percentage (98/99%) when the JVM crashes. After reading more about the perm gen, though, I'm not so sure. Am I looking down the right path by thinking it may be the perm gen size being too low or is the percentage so high just because the JVM will resize it dynamically? When it crashes the perm gen's total size is around 10/11 MB and its usually 99% full.

Below are some snippets of the JVM's output.



If it's not the perm gen, does anyone have any other suggestions?
16 years ago