agnu sargar

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since Feb 01, 2008
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Nice idea.. to save the land , make it green and help to people.
3 years ago

might be you are re-forwarding a response which is already sent once(committed). you can check for null by setting an attribute with ServletContext object which will work.

15 years ago
thanks to all !!!
15 years ago
i am please to expect some help (study material) from you for scbcd. as i have read your posts on ranch regarding scbcd.

thanks again.
15 years ago
filters are used to filter your request before it allows to your access your web resources.
you can custom your response too for filter.
filters are declared same like servlet in web.xml. filters are much like servelt.
15 years ago

i have completed scjp and scwcd. i am confuse about my next target. what should i go for next certificate. should i go for ejb or java architect? it would be great help if some one can just suggest me.

i think you can make object of bean class in servlet and by properly casting you can get all the values in servelt
15 years ago

i have cleared SCWCD 1.5 exam with 71%. its just passed . i am happy because have manage sharp minimum requirment .
thanks to all of you who posted your thoughts and experience on coderanch. really it was wonderful help for me. and big thanks to Head First 2 without it it was diff icult for me, because i did not have any dumps or any preparation kits only H.F.
15 years ago