This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Vinod Tiwari

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since Feb 06, 2008
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Recent posts by Vinod Tiwari

I came to know about an interesting theorem called CAP theorem which says a distributed system cannot provide consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance at same time. Thought it would be good to share with all.

What are your view around this?


Could someone please explain anemic domain model to me? I goggled it but could not understand much from the articles I went through. If someone can share a basic example, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks. Vinod
10 years ago
Congratulations for getting perfect score
10 years ago
Congrats, Guillaume. That's a great score!!!
11 years ago
Having a certification does not grantee you the job but would help if all candidates are freshers.
A method can have any number of while loop. Not sure what you mean by received data type.
How is the course for a novice user? Any feedback??
11 years ago
I have used jUnit with jMock. You can check StrutsTestCase framework which is useful for testing Struts.
11 years ago
Issue resolved, there is setInitParameter(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value) method in MockStrutsTestCase class using which Init Params can be set.
11 years ago
I'm using StrutsTestCase for unit testing my code but I'm getting javax.servlet.ServletException: init parameter struts-filter-config not set in web.xml exception whilst running my test case.

Initially Test Class was not reading web.xml file but after setting context directory in setup() that issue is resolved.

The code snippet of web.xml where the issue is occuring is as under:

There is velicity related servlet defined above this servlet and its working fine. The code is giving same error even if I remove all <init-param> in above class. Unfortunately I cannot share the code due to organisational directives. Pointers in resolving the issue would be appreciated.
11 years ago
Can you format the code? Its not readable, I think the issue could be due to namespace.
11 years ago