Syed Muhammad Ali Naqvi

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since Feb 07, 2008
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Recent posts by Syed Muhammad Ali Naqvi

Hello to All. I am using multiple datasources in my jboss-service.xml file. When I do the lookup for specific datasource (e.g java:/pcountsDS) it looks it up but overwrite it with the later one. So when my HQL is executed I get the results from second(last) datasource. It always loads the last datasource connection on the file for instance in my case it always loads java:/pcountsDS no matter what datasource I looked for.

Syed Muhammad Ali Naqvi

14 years ago
Hello to All
I am facing a little problem. When I am not logged in to my system and when I ask browser to redirect me to some page in my application it takes me to login screen and loads default screen.

Suppose I want to redirect my self to Admin Panel page. My application redirects me to Login page for Login. But afer successfull login I am redirected to say "Welcome" page. Please tell me that how I can avoid it. If I pass the address of my Admin Panel page then I want my application to take me to a page of Admin Panel after successful login rather than taking to default page.

I hope you get my question

Syed Muhammad Ali Naqvi
14 years ago