Santhosh Kumar Nunna

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since Feb 11, 2008
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Please provide the best tutorials for JSR-168/JSR-286.
14 years ago

Can any one provide the best books/materials for SCWCD 1.5
15 years ago

I am also plan to write SCWCD. Can you please provide the books/materials what you prepared for clearing this.
15 years ago
Hai Narayana,

In eclipse it won't take automatically the command line arguements. You need to set explicitly for that program. We have an option in Eclipse for setting the Command Line arguments.

Steps :
1) Right Click on the Program. In the popup Click on the Run AS Option.
2) From where you can click on , Open Run Dialog.
3) After opening the Menu, Here we have Arguments tab is there . In that tab you have to give the Command Line arguments.
4) Then, finally click on the RUN Button.
5) Then it will executed.
Hai BLOB and CLOB are used for Storing the Large Objects in a Database Table.
BLOB -> Binary Large Object
CLOB -> Character Large Object

You can define any cloumn in a Table as BLOB or CLOB. Only one Column will be allowed as BLOB or CLOB in a Table.

Can you check for whether, connection pool is properly created or not.
You are trying to use Command Line arguement args[0].

When you are running the program you should give the command like that..

java Test10 5 --> Then it will work.

Usual Syntax for running the java program is : java <class_name>

But in your program, you are trying to use the Command Line arguments. For that you need to explicitly pass the command Line argument to the program. Otherwise it will throw the exception.