Shylaja Roopesh

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since Feb 14, 2008
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I am using AJAX XMLHttpRequest in my authentication server to call my servlet to validate the user. Once the validation is complete I should open the application URL the user asks for. The first page of the application opens up, but for the second one, which is called by sendRedirect() my user's application servlet searches in my authentication server's domain. Please help as how to get the html object look for the user's application servletcontext.please help.

[BPSouther: Removed URGENT from post or subject line.]
[ February 15, 2008: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]
16 years ago
How to check if the requests are successfully transmitted through the proxy servers? How to track the requests pass through the libproxy server?
[ February 15, 2008: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]
How to check if the requests are successfully transmitted through the proxy servers? How to track the requests pass through the libproxy server?
[ February 15, 2008: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]
16 years ago
sendRedirect() does not work on my application, is it because of the pass-through server on my web-server, please help.

My web server, where authentication happens, is SSL protected where as my app server is not. Hence my webserver has a pass through server ie libproxy enabled to help authentication process. I use sendRedirect() in my application to redirect control to a local JSP file. When I do this, redirect does not work ie Page cannot be displayed shows up. Please help.
[ February 14, 2008: Message edited by: Shylaja Roopesh ]
16 years ago