mv deepu

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since Feb 18, 2008
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I have 3+ years Experiance in java/j2ee technology working for a Patni.
I am looking for a change. Preferable location :Bangalore.

Let me if you have any openings.
16 years ago
i didnot mean to cheat anyone.i just want to know the that it would be helpful to get prepared for that
16 years ago
Hi i have got a call from [some company],
i am looking for the sample test papers on java.
if any one have attended [some company] test please let me know the questions and process.
[ March 13, 2008: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
16 years ago
if you still have vocher with you reply me back on
16 years ago
can you just provide the contact number
16 years ago