vamsheedhar devarishati

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since Feb 19, 2008
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Recent posts by vamsheedhar devarishati

Roberto Perillo wrote:Howdy, Vamsheedhar!

Thank you very much for taking the time to start this thread that aims to help people persuiting this certification!

However, this forum is dedicated specifically to people who passed a Sun exam and want to share their experiences/happiness with other ranchers. I'd kindly like to ask you to carefully choose the appropriate forum before asking a question. This way, the forum will be better organized, you'll be able to have more feedback and people will find the answer to their questions faster! For instance, I'd say that this question would be better suited in the Product and Other Certifications forum.

Hi thank you very much for your reply ..i have started new thread in different forum ..
Please let me know if any body planning for ILOG certification ..i can help them with sample questios ...

Hi this thread will help the people who is planning to write Ilog jrules certification ...
If you guys want to study more .. apart from my posts ..please find the following material ...from IBM red books ..

sg246451 - Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 17;
redp3944 - All chapters;
sg246316 - Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8;
sg246392 - Chapters 1, 2, 3, 9, 14 and 17;

hima vathi wrote:I am planning for IBM websphere application server 6.1 certification. can anyone please post links to study material?
[ December 24, 2008: Message edited by: Marc Peabody ]

I am starting a New thread on this ...this is usefull for WAS6.x test takers please visit or post your reply on that post ...

Abhinav Saxena wrote:TShould I refer to the Info center or Red books?
As Redbooks are quite lengthy... will take lot of time to cover them up.

Would info center alone be good enough to take the test?

I will suggest you to read PDF fisrt ....that will covers all most all the topics ..and that PDF is combination of red

Once you done with it ...Down load a sample software and try to install and play with Profiles , DM . Node agent and server.

I think this will enough for testing ...

The following link will give you a document which covers all the topics for the certification of 252

banurekha sriram wrote:Even I am planning to take this certification. Could you please advice me where should I start and share any material.. Any help on this regard is highly appreciated

I am starting a New thread on this ...this is usefull for WAS6.x test takers please visit or post your reply on that post ...

Abhinav Saxena wrote:Thanks vamsheedhar for the link..
Would appreciate if you can provide me some sample papers for 253


I am starting a New thread on this ...this is usefull for WAS6.x test takers please visit or post your reply on that post ...
Hi ...I am starting this thread for the people who want to Prepare for WAS6.X Certifications .

We use this thread to share the exam documents like ...Smaple papers and Links to IBM Books .

Hi ..All ..

I am starting a new thread on this ...this is usefull for WAS6.x test takers please visit or post your reply on that post ...

You will also find Sample Question paper on that thread ...........
what material do you have ...redbooks or sample papers..........
Try this meterial ...really ..good ...i will send you sample paper tomorrowwwwwwww
Hi ..Do you have any sample paper .........