Sean Connery

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since Feb 20, 2008
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Recent posts by Sean Connery

Peer Reynders wrote:"Ubuntu Climber",

Please check your private messages regarding an important administrative matter.

15 years ago
I am new to OSGi (using Equinox), and I want to expose one of my bundles to the outside world. Would this require that I include all of the logic in my bundle to expose a WSDL and an endpoint, or is there some other way?

15 years ago
if you're just starting Web Services, I would highly suggest that you use Axis2's most recent release instead of going backwards to Axis(1).
16 years ago
You could also try doing:

Then test the value of i to see if "cat" existed in the original string.
16 years ago

Originally posted by Joseph Carr:
Another snafu was using an integer type in an ArrayList (superfluous and just plain wrong).

Just an FYI, but prior to 1.5, ArrayList could only take Objects (NOT primitive variables). However, since 1.5, they introduced autoboxing, so you could do something like:

But you are correct, the generic portion (<Integer> of the List must take an Object.

16 years ago