S Sravs

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since Feb 25, 2008
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Recent posts by S Sravs

I am working on Eclipse and Weblogic. In eclipse i didn't remove the Weblogic libraries while debugging so i got that exception

rajiv raghunandan wrote:also i forgot to mention that i included weblogic.jar in the build path and i am deploying the session bean directly onto the weblogic server through eclipse

Hi did you find the solution please let me know,i am getting the same problem with same constraints

Ulf Dittmer wrote:Paid relocation and visa sponsorship? Very unlikely in this economy, I think.

Yes i know i am looking for atleast a company has genuine job offer.Genuine in sense should have job offer what they say.Relocation expenses are not necessary, but visa or H1B transfer should be taken care by the employer without asking me to pay.

15 years ago

I offer 2.7 years* experience in implementing the complete Application Programs.
* Bachelor in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2005 passed out.
* Sun Certified Java Programmer 1.4(SCJP) with 78%.
* Sun Certified Web Component Developer 1.5(SCWCD) with 89%.
* Worked as Programmer in CMM Level 5 company.
* Worked on intranet based applications
* Developing in design patterns with UML notation
* Outstanding skill in developing client/server side programming (Struts1.1, EJB 2.0,HTML,Java Script,etc,weblogic,oracle 8i)
* Software Development according to IEEE standards
* Involved in production
* Good knowledge on J2EE technologies, NIIT certified on advanced

I am looking for permanent position .I am looking for job which match my skill set
I looking for paid relocation and H1B transfer sponser
Please don't ask money


15 years ago
This was the interview question
does any body have some explanation about it?

Thanks in Advance
15 years ago

Marcos Maia wrote:You don't need tomcat if you have weblogic 8.1. And yes WL 8.1 + Oracle DB 8i work together. Also Weblogic 8.1 supports ejb2.0 and struts 1.x


Thanks,but i want to install tomcat5.0 for struts in one system and weblogic8.1and oracle8i in another system.so will it work.
Thanks again
15 years ago
Does all the above work together,I want to confirm before installation
any help
Thanks inadvance
15 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
I am new to EJB and no expirence in EJB.Where should i start with, i mean which books are good, when i was going through forums my eye caught on these books

2.Mastering in EJB 3.0 free PDF
3.Head First in EBJ

i would like to know are these books enought or are there any other books.

Thanks in advance,
Vijaya Sravanthi
SCJP 1.4

Originally posted by vaibhav maddiwar:
Congratulations Vijaya!
Could you send me the links of some free mock exams.


before you ask question make sure you have gone through all FAQ's these not only give solution to your answer but also some points which you may not encounter at the time of reading.

Originally posted by daya parthasarathy:
Congrats!!! for scoring so well.I want to know from where did you practice for custom tags.Can you send some link from where we can work on custom tags and EL expression?If you can please help me on that it will be great.I always score less in EL and custom tags in the mock exam.
Any help will be appreciated.


for EL's i followed HFSJ and my own thoughts and some from mock exams available on online to clear the doubts
for cutomtags i followed hanumanth,some times marcus green material and again to clear mock exam doubts
jstl from hanumanth and javabeans from HFSJ

Vijaya Sravanthi
SCJP 1.4
The question is about the beerService.getStyles();
just remember and assume when ever you encounter "set" and "get" then there is bean class behind the scenes.
when any bean is instantiated in the current page the default scope is page.

Originally posted by Shantha B:
I have HFSJ that I bought 2 years ago. Looks like, this book is for SCWCD 1.4. Is it still good for SCWCD 1.5?? Now I am really serious about taking SCWCD exam. Please guide me on this.

i read HFSJ 1.4 and did some examples what ever i got in my mind.I think the book is really a path to understand scwcd from core.Yes i my point of view HFSJ 1.4 should be good enough if you have one.If not buy a new version of HFSJ 1.5

Vijaya Sravanthi
SCJP 1.4

SCJP 1.4
16 years ago
thanks all
i used to practice 2-3 hrs a day
finally i cleared the exam after lot of effort.It took me two and half months to prepare.I followed these things for the exam
* for first month i read Head Frist Servlet and Jsps(2 times) and then i took the online mock exams of scwcd 1.4 available on net
* after reading many ranchers experience i got to know that there is more focus on practical,thanks all , so i did lot of examples on these topics Listeners,Session,Servlets,EL,JSTL,Customtags,JavaBeans
*In Design patterns scored 100% thanks to Peabody the points were really helpful in the examination point of view.
*I referred api when i got doubt on methods and return types.
*I read customtags from Hanumanth book (scwd 1.4) and found more topics are covered than in HFSJ.But HFSJ is master of all books.
*I did marcus exam three days before my exam and scored an average of 90% these questions really tests your knowledge thanks marcus for the tests and the material.
*I took JwebPlus exams which were really close to exam questions.
*I took scwcd 1.4 mock exam of HFSJ just a day before the final exam and scored 62%

While taking exam i felt that more questions are based on practical and bit tricky.Make sure you memorise each and every senctence of HFSJ.
Do as many examples as possible.
El functions are also included in the exam.
Custom tags takes bit more time in the exam.
i got only one drag and drop question.
Some questions were direct.

i really appreciate and thanks to everyone who helped me and also the site members for maintaing such a wonderful site
Those who are appearing for exam goodluck

SCJP 1.4